6. Sweet smell

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About 3 months had passed. Loki began working with SHIELD in order to continue staying with Rose. The organization had a love-hate relationship with the god of mischief. The god was extremely quick and lethal with missions but he was 'hard to handle' and 'doesn't play with others well'. Loki and Steve were currently on a mission destroying HYDRA's omega experimentation lab. Needless to say, Steve and Loki were prepared to draw blood. 

Bucky, However, stayed in the tower. Tony's heat was due within the week. Steve and Bucky liked to handle Tony's heats together but bucky was more specialized with before care, and Steve was more specialized with aftercare. Because of Tony's age Heat cramps set in earlier and harder. Bucky and Tony were 'dealing' with those as they came, while Rose just fended for herself when it came to food and Entertainment.

Rose woke up in a cold sweat. The temperature felt uncomfortable; like a sweltering heat had invaded the space, but ice cold air blew across her skin. The space was too large. Before rose hadn't noticed a thing, but NOW, it was wayyyyyyyyy too big. she felt so vulnerable and unprotected. It felt uncomfortable to have the air flow on her skin, wind burning. 

she grabbed the blankets smelling like her mate and covered her self, but Loki's scent wasn't enough to calm down whatever was going on.  In desperation, she fell to the floor hitting her head hard. whimpering she dragged her blankets into the corner, trying to completely cover herself. Finally, she crawled to the closet and completely covered herself with the dark warm scent of her mate. The temperature was perfect and there was no wind to uncomfortably scratch her skin.

The next few days were blurry in Rose's memory. She slept for dangerously long hours. waking at improbable hours to grab another blanket to add to her growing pile of 'safe'. A pillow from their bed or a piece of his armor or clothing was added almost every day. Most of the fabric's in the closet were green black and leather smelling wonderfully of Loki. the prize trophy on top of the pile was his helmet with the golden horns sticking up wonderfully. Rose slept content. finally, achieving the perfect comfortable sleep worthy position.

Rose was sleeping peacefully when a voice spoke outside the door. "Rose, Tony wishes to inform you that He and Mr. Barnes are about to dine". Eat? they're gonna eat? Rose pulled herself up from the pile and through the door, to her bedroom. "Jarvis, when was the last time I ate?". JARVIS paused, "I have not been tracking that particular data but I will begin immediately, My sincerest apologies Rose".  damn, she was hungry. a small cramp formed in her belly and she knew it was time for food. Instead of Eating with Tony and Bucky she decided to quickly grab some leftovers and head back to her room. For some reason being in another wide open room without Loki was unsettling. 

Before she got back to her room her dam cut off her path. He breathed in her scent slowly as if processing. then he growled and spoke in a low tone. "Steve and Bucky are going to kill him, If I don't Castrate him first", before moving on his way. Although it was by far one of the most interestingly weird things Tony had said, they weren't uncommon when he was going into heat. She ate and then returned to the closet to sleep for the rest of the day. choosing to sleep in one of the nice thin nightgowns Loki had brought from Asgard, as a mating gift. It was wonderfully light and smooth on her irritated skin. falling asleep was easy but the unceasing pounding would not stop in her head. It carried through Rose's light-hearted dreams to her deeper sleep. bringing a small edge of worry to her consciousness.

 bringing a small edge of worry to her consciousness

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