3. Nest-dam

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The scent of hurt Omega permeated the room. Steve and Bucky were high strung not knowing what to do. Their Omega did what any distressed dam would do for their pup. Tony picked up Rose carefully and growled at anyone near. Even Steve and Bucky knew not to mess with an extremely protective nesting-dam. reaching the back of the pent house tony opened the door to his and his mates' personal apartment. walking into the bed room. unlike most Omega's, he had a room off the bedroom, specially designed for his nest. the door was even reinforced because he wanted his nest safe from everything, and the super soldiers wanted their omega protected during his heats. 

Rose again whimpered in his arms, lifting her head she nuzzled it into the crook of Tony's neck his scent glands wafting the aroma everywhere lessening her pain like only a parent can do. then it started to wear off. the pain came back and she continued to whimper like a injured pup. this distressed tony to a high level. rational mind would have said, she isn't your real pup. but his instincts had already taken over and his Omega mind had already claimed this child as his own, his pup. Steve appeared at the doorway to the bedroom worried about his mate and newly adopted pup. Tony saw it as a threat and quickly retreated to his nest. the small dark room served wonderfully for nesting the nest itself touching 3 of the walls with its edges leaving a space upfront like a doormat. it was made of the softest nesting blankets all covered in his Alphas' scent. The Omega played his pup down in the center of the nest, the softest divid. He made to pull away but his pup pulled him back down whimpering at the loss of contact. Rose was in a whole hell of a lot of pain. and never having a dam or a sire to care for her or a nest to lay in she didn't know what was happening. It felt better when Her dam was with her than away, and it felt better surrounded by Her sires scent. Her pain returned whimpering again she moved on to her side, neck buried in her dam's scent gland holding onto for dear life. Instincts took over rose as well. instincts that every new born pup knows. she bit her dam's scent gland, a rush of endorphins washing over her body. different from a mating bite, this bite is one of familial acceptance. She could feel the happiness of her dam washing over her as well. knowing the pain would only continue, Rose started slowly lapping at the bite marks made on her dams neck prolonging their affects.

but even that wasn't enough the pain returned and now her dam could feel it as well. She could hear her dam call for her sires through their mating bond. They opened the door to the nesting room Bucky entering slowly waiting at the edge of the nest for permission to enter. He was granted it by Tony's needy Omega voice beckoning him with the simple word "Alpha". Bucky laid down on the other side of rose slowly moving her away from her dam's scent gland onto his. Steve however gave his attention to his Omega in question. Although it was understandable out of need, his pup bit hard into his Omega's scent gland almost to hard. he leaned over his omega and started to lick the bite himself releasing relaxing alpha scents and numbing the pain with his tongue. Bucky was worried about his new pup. she started to bury her head into his scent glands as well. but even that wasn't enough the pain in her lower abdomen persisted and when she couldn't hand it she sunk her teeth lightly into his neck. the extremely intoxicating release of hormones from an Alpha allowed her to disconnect from her 'parents' for a few minutes and think clearly. She was in a nest, Tony's nest. Tony her new dam. But Loki had left her. and it physically hurt to be away from him.

Exhausted by the pain she fell asleep in between her dam and sire with Steve so close, if she made it out of here he would also get a familial mark because he was 'super' awesome too (puns). the sleep only lasted an hour before the pain came back in her dreams unbearable she woke up whimpering. her dam woke up almost immediately scared that his pup was being attacked. the worry of their Omega woke the two Alphas. Bucky foolishly tried to hold onto rose without her dams permission, that got him a bite on the hand by Tony. Tony then handed his pup over to Steve. Rose was able to get by almost 20 minutes on Steve's scent alone, but then the pain changed from a dull aching cramp to sharp unrelenting torment of pain. It made her release Steve altogether falling limp into the nest screaming and crying not able to hold anything just trembling in pain. Steve looked at his Omega for permission. he then bent over his pup lifting her to his neck then baring it. a submissive gesture to some, but to him right now this was helping his pup. it took painful minutes before she latched onto his neck biting deeply teeth drawing lots and lots of blood she lapped it all up, not letting a drop to waste when it provided the best painkiller ever. Bucky left the nest to find the source of his pup's pain. She was with bruce, something must have happened. bruce is gonna spill it or so help him. 

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