Soon it became apparent that none of the passing Sisters missed the chance to scorn at Rosetta. She shrivelled. Gripping her elbows she stuck closely to Alexis.

"Do you know the consequences of your actions Rosetta?" Alexis asked sternly.

"No, Sister."

"With Lara dead and you deserting we were oblivious to a traitor Astartes force sweeping from your position. We fell into a trap while searching for you. Lara, Lauren and Nadia all lost their lives protecting the Lady and Squad Cassandra was wiped out."


"Indeed, Sister. As for Lady Mirabel... I'll have to show you."


They eventually came upon the doors to Mirabel's quarters. The doors opened and Alexis lead Rosetta inside. There Rosetta thought she saw the most beautiful of sights. Lady Mirabel sat up on a bench with the full elegance of her back exposed.

The sight of her smooth curvy features made Rosetta's heart thump with joy. Aura was perplexed while Rosetta's very soul burned bright with pleasure and passion. All else seemed to fade away as she beheld true beauty.

Yet, reality revealed the bleak truth in all its horror. A massive, bloody cut stretched from left shoulder to right hip. Tweezers held her skin wide open while tech adepts and hospitallers tended to the cybernetic implants attached to her spine.

Were it not for them the Canoness would be paralysed, helpless. Rosetta's heart sank like a brick. She froze up and began to tremble. Did she cause that? To her Mirabel? It was too much. Too much.

She felt panic, sorrow and anger all swell up like a gathering storm. The urge to scream collected in her throat. Oh, how she wanted to scream, to blast away the sight and restore the galaxy to a better time.

Hush Sister. You are safe with me. Face the truth, Rosetta.

Like a warm hearth within her host's soul, Aura burned with loving reassurance. Aura managed to calm Rosetta down and allowed her the chance to regain her composure. In her mind, Rosetta thanked her.

"Lady Mirabel, Sister Rosetta has awoken. She is here now." Alexis said as she bowed her head in reverence.

"Very well, Alexis. Stay a while. You must be my witness." Mirabel


Once her operation was completed and Mirabel stood on her own once more she confronted Rosetta. The young sister sensed a whirlwind of conflicting emotions in the Canoness. All she could do was shrivel and shrink before her.

"These last five years I have never seen a sister match your ferocity and devotion... I still remember your face when first we met." As Mirabel spoke the Lady's eyes seemed to water at the recollection of that fated night.

"Five years ago... On Strix III... Do you remember what you called me? The title you named me under before the sisters of our order?" She proclaimed.

"Forgive me, my Lady, I was in a delirium. I remember little." Rosetta admitted.

Indeed, this was true. The only memory she had of the Siege of Strix III was the one in her dreams. It had been the only one she treasured, despite her paradoxical hatred of it. With mind, heart and soul she adored it so much it plagued her.

"Well, I remember much... I remember when the command bunker was struck, killing Canoness Elisa and all of the senior command and we fought over who would command you proclaimed me Canoness... Your words would have been heresy if it weren't for the truth and your holy fervour. Do you remember them?"

Rosetta - A Warhammer 40,000 Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें