3 Months Pregnant [Extra Part 4]

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Okay to start off, I want to thank everyone for their support, it means a lot. But I want to finish this story, it will be my first complete story! I'm really excited and I'm going to try and bury myself in my writing so I don't have time to focus on the bad stuff. The collaboration book offer still stands! I really want to do a collab book so DM! I know a few writers that read my books, so send me a message? Pretty please?
Okay, that's if for announcements today!
[Levi's POV]
As I waited for Eren to get here, I began to grow even more nervous, how was I pulled into this again? I was slightly panicking, but I soon realized I was doing this for me and Eren, so we could have a family and we could all be happy. I smile as I look over my vows one more time before making sure I was ready for Eren to arrive and I got in position.
[Eren's POV]
When I finally arrived at the front of the old Ackerman household, I parked the car and walked up to the front door. There was the second to last letter hanging there.
Dear Eren,
I describing the way I feel about you in five letters isn't easy, we've been through so many things together and I just want to let you know I could never ever push my love for you away, even if you wanted me to go away, I'd come back, and I know everything that has happened in the last year wasn't all great things, but there were some ups, I found you again, you remembered all the things you couldn't, especially our time together, most of all we found Cat, our perfect little trouble maker that I love to death. You know Cat reminds me of you when we were younger, always wanting to adventure, all play, and no sleep. I like that about her, she can walk into a room and make everyone smile, just like you.
By the end, I was sniffling (and crying a little too). Levi was right though, we did have our ups and downs. I can remember the love I once had for him and 50 years from now I'll remember the love I had for him back then and the love I have for him now. Looking back at the year, I couldn't believe that when I first saw Levi in the bathroom that day. It was like looking in an old photo when I finally realized it was him, he didn't look like Levi... well when I had first laid my eyes on him 16 years ago. When I was about four years old, I had stumbled across a little fort in the woods, I had a quick look around the first day, but soon I found myself coming back again and again, but I couldn't figure out why. That was until one day I met a boy, and his name was Levi.

Ahaha! In one day! Hope you guys like it!
I love you all and thanks for reading, BYE!

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