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I took out the smut... sorry
^-^ I know I have a few younger readers so.... maybe next time.
[Eren POV]
I groaned and got up, I noticed an unnecessary weight in my stomach. I start to panic, what have I done? I- "Eren?" A velvet voice cuts through my thoughts. I spin over and look at Levi. I made a, what I hoped, was a normal hum as I looked at him. He stares at me, "Are you alright?" Levi shifts in bed. "Yeah, I just need some fresh air... I'll be back." I say as I run down the stairs. I quickly put my shoes on, and go out the front door. I walk towards the park, hopefully to clear my head. I sigh as I walk past the pond. I take a seat on a bench right next to the play ground watching the kids run. I smiled, a little girl came running up to me and pulled on my shorts. The girl had long honey blond hair and light green eyes. "Yes miss?" I ask looking down at her, "You look lonely, mister, are you okay?" The girl says as she motions to be picked up. "I'm fine... but say, what's your name? I'm Eren." I say smiling down at the child. "I'm Cat! It's short for Cathleen!" The girl exclaims brightly. "Say Cat, where are your parents?" I ask, continuing to stare at her. "Parents? You mean my mom? She left me here. She said she had to go work, she said she wouldn't be back till I was older." The girl said. "Well Cat... how would you like to come home with me? I'll be your new mom... if you'd like that anyways." I say standing up with the girl still in my arms. "I can call you mom right?" Cat says. "Of corse you can Cat!" I say smiling bigger. "Yeah! Momma? Where's dad? I mean... why are you out here alone?" Cat says. "Well it's a long story... but mommys going to have a baby..." I say shifting the girl in my hold. "That's a good thing isn't it mom? Don't you want a baby?" The girl looks into my eyes. "Of cause I want a baby! I just don't know how to tell your dad..." I say. "I forgot to ask, how old are you Cat?" "I'm 6!" The little girl squeals. "My birthdays coming up! I'm almost 7!" The girl starts wiggling happily in my arms. "We're almost home... So Cat... how would you feel about a baby brother or sister? Or maybe both?" I say as I nuzzle the girl. "I would love it! New people to play with!" I smiled. "When we get home, would you like me to braid your beautiful hair, cuteness?" She giggled. "Yes!" She squealed again. I set Cat down, bending down and grabbing her little hand in mine. I knock on the door and I hear Levi yell from upstairs and I stifle a laugh. I see a glimpse of a very annoyed Levi open the door. "Levi... I'm sorry." He pulls me into a hug. "I'm sorry too... I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." Levi pulled away. "And who's this?" Levi says bending down to Cat's height. "Levi this is Cat, Cat this is your dad." I say as Cat's eyes light up. "Dad?... can I call you that?" Cat asked him.
" 'Cause mom said I could..." Levi looked at me. "Of corse you can call me dad Cat." Levi says as he smiles at Cat. She smiles back and runs over to hug him. "Awwww!" I heard a scream come from down the street. I looked over and saw Hanji... staring at us. "Get in the house! Go, go, go!" I call shoving both of them in the house and locking the door. "Mom... why did you just lock the door is it so you can tell dad your-" Cat begins. "Shhh! Cat!" I say. "Tell me what?" Levi says and Cat smiles. "Moms got a baby!" Cat exclaims. "What do you mean 'moms got a baby' Cat?" Levi says staring at the two of us. "Moms got a baby brother or a sister, or both in there!" She says and she pointed to my stomach. "Haha... surprise?" I say scratching the back of my neck. Levi walks over, with his bangs covering his face. I can't tell if he's mad or happy. Levi stands in front of me and picks me up, laughing. Levi looks into my eyes and smiles. "I think we deserve some ice cream, what do you say Cat?" Levi says looking in between us. "Yeah!" Cat jumps. I bend down and pick Cat up. "We better get going then, huh?" Levi says pinching Cat's checks lightly. Cat squeals and squirms in my arms. "Dad nooooooo!" Cat wails. "Your just like your mother, no fun!" Levi fake pouts and Cat gasps, offended. "How dare you call my precious Cat 'not fun'!" I scoff. I turn my head slightly, fake pouting. "Yeah! Dad that was mean!" Cat says coming to our defense. I laugh a little. "I didn't mean it Queen Cat! I promise, what can I ever do to atone?" Levi says. Cat leans over and whispers in my ear, "What does atone mean?" "It means apologize." I say. "Okay." She spins back to Levi, "You can buy us extra ice cream..." Cat thinks for a minute. "AND SPRINKLES!" She shouts and all the people walking down the street stare, some giving 'aww' looks and others giving disgusted looks. Levi and I ignore all of them and our focus shifts back to our little girl. I love my family, and even though I just met the first newest member, I'm content. It may have been an irrational decision to take her home from the park, but I regret nothing, we now have a new family of three... there's nothing more I could want, until the little ones arrive.

{The End}

Or is it?

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