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"They... Called me a killer... A monster... A terrorist... I'm all of this things... But..."

New York city... Is in Choas... Infected running around... Looking for people to hunt... Black watch killing off anyone they see fit...

"I look to the past... And see that I'm the one who caused this."

???: Alex...

"No matter how much I try to forget... My past keeps coming back..."

???: Alex...

"Even if I'm dead... I still don't know why... But at least... I wasn't alone..."

???: Alex...

"I had someone who I can trust... Someone who was by my side when I needed help."

???: Alex...

"But when I lost him... I started to blame myself... That was the reason why I lost that fight... I..."


???: ALEX!

Alex was brought back to reality as he looks up to see a worried bartender.

Alex: Oh uh... Sorry.

Bartender: You've been here for the entire hour friend. Is it the past?

Alex was in a bar, within the kingdom of the dead.

Alex: Yes... It is.

Alex has been drinking, trying to rid of his problems... But of course it just makes it worse.

Bartender: Well boy, the bar now closed, its best if you head home and gets some rest.

Alex sighed as he stood up and left as he waved his hand.

Alex: See you...

Bartender: take care kid.

Alex has been in the realm of the dead for a very long time, Alex now walks towards his hotel place called "house of 1000 corpses".

Alex: Sure feels lonely without you friend... Where are you?

Alex wasn't himself after the disappearance of his best friend back at new York city... He thought it was his fault that something must of happened. Alex was now at a active festival as he gently pushes people so he can get through, today was the day of the dead, Alex never went to parties or such, he never talked to anyone... All he did was drink at the bar.

[Timeskip with Alex Mercer at the bar drinking as he remains silent the whole day.]

Alex mercer was in a alley way as a short cut towards the hotel... But it seems like trouble was following him.

???: Hey punk!

Alex turned around to see three thugs.

Thug 1: where you going? Didn't you hear that places like this, bad things will happen?

Alex: I'm just trying to get home.

Thug 2: Aw so you want to go home to mama? Well if you want to get through, your going to have to pay up.

Alex: Sorry i already wasted my money on drinks.

Thug: well thats too bad...

The thugs then pulled out a baseball bat as the only one of them brought a knife.

Thug: cause we're gonna take what ever you have left.

Alex: Look, I'm not looking for trouble ok?

But it was too late as one of the thug swung his bat towards him as Alex managed to block it as you punched him to a wall, a the second one ran towards him as he swings his bat as Alex ducks and morphed his right arms into claws as he cuts him in half.

Alex: I tried to warn you... But you left me with no choice.

Thug: B*tch I'm gonna make you pay!

But right before the last thig could attack, his right arm was cut clean off as he screamed in pain.

Alex: What the...

And right as the thug got to his knees as he clutches his missing arm, a hooded figure was behind him as he was holding a large weapon.

And right as the thug got to his knees as he clutches his missing arm, a hooded figure was behind him as he was holding a large weapon

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???: you know there's punishment for those who attack without reason...

The figure then stabs the weapon into the back of the thug and into the floor as the now dead thugs arms dangles as his corpses stays in place, the figure then walks around the dead body as he spoke.

???: I hope they didn't cause you any... Wait... Alex?

Alex: Uh... Have we met before?

???: Alex its me!

The hooded figure then removes his hood... Revealing his face.

???: Its me, (y/n)!

Alex was in shock to see this as he walked up to you.

Alex: (y/n)... Is that... Really you?

Alex began to touch your face to make sure that you are real.

Alex: This isn't an hallucinations right?

(y/n): A-Alex, of course its real.

Alex then had a smile as tear began to form in his eyes as he hugs you as he spoke.

Alex: I-I thought I lost you...

Alex begins to weep as you were confused by this as Alex then falls to his knees, you then gotten worried as Alex begins to cry softly as you try to calm him.

(y/n): Hey hey, Alex! Are you ok?

Soon, everything fades to black as the title "Prototype" appeared as the title is covered in blood as no sound was heard... Only silence.

Is it possible... To change? [Alex Mercer and male reader story]Where stories live. Discover now