Chapter 25- 683 Bell View Road

Start from the beginning

My eyes scan over him, at first I see nothing. He shifts his weight causing the sleeve to slip to the side revealing a cobra tattoo with the letters JS in the center. He works for Damien.

I give Mike a head nod showing I understand, then follow Braiden upstairs before the dude gets even more suspicious.

Of course, the three guys standing outside are the ones who assaulted me. They look the same except for the fact that one of them is wearing a cast on his wrist and the other two are wearing neck braces. A small smile of satisfaction spreads across my face when I look at the pain that they all had to got through.

That sounds sick and twisted, but if they totally had it coming.

I Keep my head down as Mike steps forward to do the talking because they've never seen him before. Whatever he says must've worked pretty well due to the fact that within seconds they're letting us inside.

Just as I'm about to slip through the door after Braiden, a hand latches on to my arm.

"Hey, do we know you?" The man, who I'm assuming is the leader out of the three, rasps.

"No, now if you'll excuse me I need to carry out my job." Yanking my hand away, I continue walking casually through the door even though my heart is racing.

A suspicious look is still on his face, but not another word leaves his mouth.

There's no one inside the room, just tons of boxes stacked up one by one.

"What do you think is in them?" Mike asks, kicking one with his foot.

"I don't know man, but I wouldn't go around kicking them!" Braiden exclaims, glaring at him sharply. "Just open one to find out."

Tentatively, Mike pulls on the cardboard and the box springs open to reveal all different weapon assortments.

"Woah." Mike goes from box to box, finding something new in each one.

Some only carry knives, while others are full to the brim with guns that are in excellent condition.

"Where do you think they came from?"

"Black market. And some crazy shit's obviously going to go down for him to need this many." I split off, wracking my brain for anything that might be a clue as to why Damien needs them.

Before my thoughts can carry any further, the men from outside barge into the room, catching us off guard.

"You're going to need to come with me." The leader demands, trying to pull me out of the room.

"Get your filthy hands off of me!" I squirm around under his grip looking at Braiden with wide eyes, but he's already on the move along with Mike.

"She said let her go man, now that's what you better do."

It's amazing how the guys can make themselves seem like different people. I swear they look even more muscley and tall than usual. Did I memtion hotter?

Snapping myself out of my thoughts, I throw my foot back into the groin of the guy behind me sending him keeling in pain. The two men beside him quickly whip out there guns, but aren't fast enough. Before their fingers even reach the trigger, Mike and Braiden put a bullet in each of their chests. The sound of gunshots rings out around the house causing shouts to arise throughout the building. It won't be long before people head up here, and that's the last thing we need right now.

"Braiden, Mike!" I shout, "push the desk in front of the door."

They take action immediately and I lunge for the guy on the ground pinning his arm behind him while twisting it. He yelps in pain trying to pull it away which only makes me tighten my grip.

"Who are you working for?" I shout into his ear, well more like command.

"Yeah, like I'd tell you, bitch." He spits, sending irritation to course through my veins.

I whip out one of my knives and press it to his neck, pressing hard enough to cause pain. "Do you want to rethink that answer?"

He hesitates, but I press the tip into his neck drawing blood, "Jake Sanchez."

My mind flashes to the man downstairs with the cobra tattoo and JS initials tattooed on his shoulder.

"Who does he work for?"

"I-I don't know."

"Bullshit!" I scream into his ear, sending my boot into the back of his leg causing him to collapse in pain. "I'll ask again, who's he working for!"

"M-Mr. Payne. H-he wants you so he sent Jake to send me to bring you to him."

My stomach drops when I hear him say the words I dread, but have heard once before.

"Why does he want me?" My voice doesn't come out as harsh as I want it to. Instead it's slightly shaking.

"I don't know. Honestly, that's all they tell me." The man looks me in the eye with desperation.

Before I can say anything else, there's banging and shouting coming from outside the door.

"Ah, Ryan!" Mike says, signaling for me to hurry up.

"Why does he want me!" I shout one last time raising my gun.

"I don't know! Please... don't kill me!" He's begging me now, looking at me with pleading eyes.

Instead of keeping my gun trained on his chest, I move it down to his leg and mercilessly pull the trigger. The bullet buries itself in his leg as a blood curdling scream escapes his throat.

"You bitch!" He cries, clutching his leg.

"Let's go." I nod my head and Braiden once again takes the lead.

We make our way over to the window just about ready to jump out when a small whimper comes from the closet.

Curiosity runs through me as I make my way over to it, ignoring the banging on the door outside.

"Ryan we have to go!" Braiden shouts, motioning me back to the window.

"Just wait, there's something in here." I reply, and before he can say anything else swing open the cheap doors.

Completely caught off guard, I take a step back from the sight in front of me. There's a woman with duck tape across her mouth and wrapped across her hands and feet. Her eyes are a dark purple underneath, clearly showing her lack of sleep. The few tattered gray shirt she has on does little to cover up her frail body, revealing basically skin and bones. Her dark hair is brittle and it smells as if she hasn't been bathed in weeks. She basically looks like a walking corpse.

Braiden's voice cuts through my thoughts as I try to think of where I've seen her from.


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