Psychic dream part 2

Comenzar desde el principio

Lin: "It's okay I know you did it to protect me." I let go of Lin 

"I was so scared you know I honestly did not know what I was going to do...... What happened?" Lin sighed and sat back down

Lin: "After you got hit you were taken to the hospital and once you where there you entered a coma state because you hit your head so hard."

"I had a coma! Oh no, how long was I out?!"

Lin: "7 weeks. I came here every day to visit you after I was done with work mom did too same with the other RFA members."

"7 weeks...... I t-thought that....... didn't I just get hit?" I put my hand on my face

Lin: "No you where asleep"

"You came every single day although you knew that I would not respond to anything you have to say?"

Lin: "Yes. I couldn't leave you alone when you wake up."

"Thank you, Lin" A doctor then realized I was awake and came inside.

Doctor: "Oh Mr. Ryu you are awake" I turn over to look at the doctor "How are you feeling?"

"I feel fine other than my head hurting"

Doctor: "That would be from when you got hit you must be feeling the pain now." He looks over at Lin "You have a wonderful son I see him every day come in and stay with you until visiting hours is over." I smile 

"I know he told me" the doctor smiled 

Doctor: "Now depending on your current state we can send you home today or we need to keep you here for a while" I nodded and the doctor did a basic health evaluation. "Alright well it looks like you can go home today. You are perfectly healthy in terms of you being weak I would just recommend taking it easy so no working out pushing yourself stuff of that nature. You just need to let your brain relax and connect back to your body." He then looked at Lin "He is going to have some trouble walking for a few days so I would recommend that someone stay with him just in case"

Lin: "Alright thank you" The doctor nods and walks out of the room. "Do you think you can walk or do you want me to get a wheelchair for you?"

"I think I can walk although I might need some help" Jin nodded and helped me out of my bed I wobble and lean on Lin. he kept me up and standing so I wouldn't fall. 

Jin: "Okay just lean on me and I can take you to my car and you can stay with me until mom gets back home okay?"


---- TIME SKIP ----


We get to my house and I help dad inside.

"There sorry my house is a mess.... I didn't get the chance to clean maybe because I was worrying so much." I help dad onto the couch and he relaxes.

Zen: "It is nice to be somewhere other than a hospital bed" 

"Yea I bet you were laying in one position for 7 weeks" I sit next to dad "Is your head feeling any better?" He looked at me

Zen: "A little but I can deal with it"

"Alright. I need to call mom to let her know that you are okay alright." Dad nods and I call mom


MC: "Oh Lin are you at the hospital? How is your dad doing?"

"I actually called to talk about that."

MC: "Oh no did something bad happens!"

"No no no nothing bad happened. Something good happened"

MC: "what is it?" I smile and pass the phone to dad he grabs it and places it against his ear

Zen: "Hey honey"


"I know Lin told me everyone has been so worried.... I'm sorry"

MC: "No Zen please don't be sorry we worry about you because we love you so much."

"I know and every day I am happy and thankful that I have someone as wonderful in my life as you"

MC: "You are important too Zen. Where are you? Are you still at the hospital?"

"No, I am at Lins house. They let me go because I am healthy."

MC: "I am so happy that you are safe. I will tell everyone that you are awake and happy for now just relax okay. I know it is hard for you but I don't want you to get hurt."

"Sounds like a deal to me"

MC: "I love you Zenny" 

"I love you too"


He gives me back my phone and I lye back on the couch and yawn.

Zen: "Lin you seem really tired" I sigh

"To be honest I haven't been sleeping very well because of how worried I was. Late night rehearsals are hard to but I will survive" Dad put his hand on my shoulder

Zen: "Lin you need sleep..." I look over at dad he had a concerned look on his face

"But what about you? I should take care of you."

Zen: "Lin you have big bags under your eyes. I will be fine you can even sleep close to me just in case alright." I sigh. Despite me being an adult and knowing how to take care of myself part of me missed when my dad nagged me.

"Alright" I lye down on my dad's lap and almost instantly my eyes shut. I feel his hand on my back as he was resting. For the rest of the day, we took care of each other and I was happy that my father could come back to me.

Zen x MC's Pregnant storyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora