The truth

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"Look I am sorry for not telling you sooner"

"You still don't believe me! I TOLD YOU, YOU ARE GOING TO BE AN UNCLE!"

"fine." I hang up the phone and sit down on the couch MC was out buying baby stuff so I did not need to worry about her hearing me scream at my brother. I already called my parents and they had a similar reaction. My family could not believe me when I said I made it on my own found a partner and is becoming a father. How the hell are they, my parents. I stand up and grind my teeth I called them out of the goodness of my heart they may be jerks but they are still my family and I did not want to leave them in the dark. "God" I flop on the floor and cry a bit "All I want is for him to have a good life" I then hear the door unlock and MC walks through with a bag of baby stuff like stuffed animals. She looks at me and she gets worried.

MC: "Oh Zen what happened?!" She closes the door and puts down the bag she then walks over to me only to see that tears where still in my eyes. "Zen look at me, please" I look at MC with my pathetic face.

"I'm sorry MC I-I" MC wipes my face with her sleeve and sits next to me. "I'm just stressed"

MC: "no you're not Zen. I know your stressed face this" MC pulls my face over to her "Is not your stressed face" I hug MC. I probably look really pathetic crying on the floor.

"I called my family. They-they" I choke a little "They don't understand! I just want him to be happy! To have a better childhood then I did! to be a knight that can always brighten someone else's day..... but it feels like I am asking for the impossible. My family, they don't believe me. But that is not the part that I am afraid of, he won't have a family other than us.... What do we do?" I feel MC touch my head and pull me closer.

MC: "Zen I did not know you were so worried about this. Why didn't you tell me?" I pull away from MC and wipe my face. I sigh

"I didn't want you to worry. So I carried the burden of stress and hoped that it would go away but- it didn't. I am so sorry MC" I stand up and put my hands on my hips. MC stands up as well looks at her bag she brought back and hands me something.

MC: "Here" I take a teddy bear from her hand and look at it for a moment. I cover my mouth look at MC's belly and look back at the bear. I take my hand off of my mouth and hold the bear close to my heart.

"I really have been a lousy father haven't I" I sit down on the couch "All I do is worry and complain" MC grabs my hand and looks at me.

MC: "No Zen that is why you have been the best father. You worry all the time about his future and you worry about me. You may get overstressed sometimes but that is just life and no-one can change that." MC kisses my cheek and I hug the bear it was brown with a big nose and eyes. It was super soft as well.

"Thanks, MC" I smile and hand back the bear to MC "I feel like I say thank you to you too much. I hope it has not worn down its meaning" MC sits next to me and leans on my shoulder.

MC: "Never." I twist myself around ao that I am hugging MC and holding her belly. "Can you feel him moving?" I giggle and then feel a kick.

"Oh he kicked!" I laugh and jump up and down a bit "Hi there little guy! It's Dad!" I sigh "I sometimes forget how much I love you sometimes. Even though we have not met I hope we do soon so I can hold you in my arms and sing to you" MC puts her hands on mine and leans more onto me.

MC: "I can't wait either. Just imagining you in my arms as you fall asleep makes me so happy" I rest my head on MC's shoulder

"Hmm you know we haven't chosen a name for him yet"

MC: "What about Jin?" I think for a bit and smile

"Yea I like that Jin Ryu. I wonder what he will look like?" MC takes her hands off mine and puts her hand on my face.

MC: "I hope he has your eyes. They are my favorite feature on you" I laugh

"Yea my eyes are a little different from other people's aren't they. If he had my eyes I swear I would be looking into a mirror. A mirror of little me."

MC: "Except this time he will be happy because he has the best father in the world!" I kiss MC

"And don't forget the best mother!" MC laughs and takes her hands off of her belly. "We might not have much but I still want him to be happy!" MC turns over on her side

MC: "Don't worry he will be and who knows maybe he will like acting just like you!" I get excited just thinking of the fact that Jin might like acting. If one day he performs for his school I will be the first one to buy tickets!

"That would be amazing! but even if he doesn't I will support him no matter what!" MC smiles and yawns. "You tired?" MC shakes her head " I reach for the blanket behind me and I cover MC with it and kiss her forehead. "there you can take a nap here" I blush a little and put my hand on her head. I love MC so much and I already love Jin. I hope when he is born that he loves me.

Zen x MC's Pregnant storyWhere stories live. Discover now