Psychic dream part 2

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I visit dad every day after I am done with work. It has been about 7 weeks now the other members are starting to get worried about me but I think they understand. Mom has been coming in often to not as often as she would like because she is busy all the time but she still comes in. I walk into dads room and see that gifts from his fans have been left. I smile his fans really did love him I sit down and relax my head on the bed next to him. "Hey, dad it's Lin again. I hope i'm not being annoying i'm just worrying about you...... heh I sound like you don't I when you worry about me...... that's, why you did it huh." I sigh and switch the flowers. I have seen other RFA members come at the same time as me, just yesterday Jaehee was in same with Jumin. I sit back down and look at dad. "I hope you know how much everyone misses you... Even Jumin you two may fight but he still sees you as a friend." I slick back my hair and let it fall "I wish you could talk to me. I even wanted to put my hair in a bun but, heh you know me I can't do it very well without your help." I rest my head back on the bed "Please wake up soon I don't know what to do and it really is true that after something bad happens you never realize how much you miss someone..... I know you are my dad but you really do mean a lot to me. You have given me advice calmed me down when I was stressed loved me and what did I do...." I stopped and wiped my face "You are here because of me. I am so sorry" I flop my head on the bed and try to relax. "I know if you were to say something you would say to take deep breaths and it is not my fault but I can't help but feel that it is..... And now here I am talking to myself. What do I do?" I sigh and look back up at dad. "I'm sorry I sound like a baby" I yawn I had a late night rehearsal but I still wanted to be here. I put my hand on dads hand and relax my head and without realizing it I fell asleep.


I open my eyes head hurts and I am pretty weak.

"Wha? where am I?" I look around the room "A hospital? Why am I in-" the memory of me getting hit before blacking out is the last thing I remember. "LIN!" I feel someone holding my hand I turn my head to see Lin sleeping, He has huge bags under his eyes and his cheeks are a little stained from what looks like to be crying. I smile and take my other arm to brush his head.

Lin: "Mmm?" Lin sits up letting go of my hand to rub his eyes. He looks at me and realizes I am awake a big smile appears on his face. "DAD YOUR AWAKE!" he quickly stands up and hugs me "I was so worried about you"

"Lin I am so sorry." Lin lets me go

Lin: "Why are you sorry?!"

"I never properly told you why I did what I did." I sigh "You know the story of the hacker and how I saved your mother." Lin nods "Well that day a had a dream that that event happened in my dream that is why I was able to save your mom" Lin sits down "The same thing happened to you Lin I knew if I did not do anything something bad would have happened to you...... AGH!" I put my hand on my head.

Lin: "Dad are you okay!?" I put my hand down

"It's my head....." I look over at Lin "I really am sorry for making you worry you look exhausted." Lin sighs and begins to tear up again

Lin: "I couldn't stop thinking about all of the ways this could go bad and the idea of you not waking up always nagged me at the back of my head. I-I didn't know what to do without you! I don't think you know how much I need you, even if I am 20 it was so hard being alone! I had mom but she was just as scared as me the same goes for everyone in the RFA I-I just-"

"Shhhh Lin please calm down" I open my arms and he falls into them "I know it must have been hard but I am okay now and you are too" I was weak but I still hugged Lin with all of the strength I had. I start to cry a bit "I am so happy you are okay. I would never have forgiven myself if this happened to you. I'm sorry"

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