The Birth part 1

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I was in the bathroom styling my hair because the opening performance of the play was today and I had to get there in costume and ready to do a quick run through. I stop fussing with my hair for a bit and look at it from the side, it was messy. "God, why are buns so hard!" I take out my hair and try again when MC walks in and takes my hands away from my hair.

MC: "Here Zen I can do it for you" I flop my arms to my side.

"Thanks, babe I guess I am not used to putting my hair up in a bun." MC finishes the bun and fluffs it up a bit.

MC: "Perfect now you look like a prince!" I had my costume on and with the bun, I really did look like I was from royalty. I turn around.

"You don't think I already look like a prince even without the costume" I kiss MC and laugh. MC blushes

MC: "Why of course you do your highness"

"Why thank you my lady" we both giggle and walk outside. I fix a few more things on my costume and take a deep sigh. "What's wrong Zen?" I look over at MC.

"Oh, nothing I just always get a little stage fright. It is nothing I can't handle though." We hear a car horn outside we look over and see seven in his car waving at us. I walk outside.

Seven: "Hey Zen I heard that your performance is today so I figured I give you a ride! If your a prince might as well ride in style right!" I smile and roll my eyes at seven.

"Thanks seven. Do you know where to go?" Seven nods and opens the passenger door. I look at MC.

"I will be looking for you in the audience!" MC nods and kisses me goodbye. I get in a wave goodbye to MC and we drive.

---- Time Skip ----

We arrive at the theatre and I thank seven. He says he will bring MC to the theatre when it starts and drives off. I walk over to the stage my director and a few other actors have arrived.

Director: "Zen so happy you made it on time! We were about to start the run through."

"Perfect." I look around the room at the other actors "Wow the costume designer did an amazing job with everyone's costumes!" My director nodded.

Director: "We got help from a mid-evil artist. Now get in position we don't have much time before curtain" I walk over to get in position and take a deep breath.

I was back in the house relaxing on the couch but I felt like something was different. I knew I was not stick to the stomach and I did not have any back pain. I shrug and hear the doorbell. I get up and see seven smiling at me.

Seven: "Hey MC! I figured I give you some company before we go to Zen's performance!" I smile back at Seven and let him inside.

"Thanks seven! Oh sorry if I seem a little weird I don't feel 100% right now" Seven turns around and looks at me.

Seven: "want me to get you something? I mean it is you and Zen's house but I am sure I can help you somehow" I laugh and sit down

"No it's okay Seven just coming over is making me feel better" Seven flops beside me his hoodie getting pulled up in the process. "How is work going?" He looks over at me and winks.

Seven: "Secret!" I roll my eyes at him jokingly and Seven laughs. "I am just kidding it is stressful but then again what isn't I mean you and Zen are becoming parents soon! How crazy is that!" I smile but then freeze up Seven notices and looks at me. "MC are you okay?"

"The baby"

Seven: "The baby?"

"He is coming! My water it broke!" Seven jumped up and started to panic a little.

Seven: "OH GOD!! I- GAH WHY ME! Okay okay okay..... uh here take my hand I can take you to the hospital" I grab sevens hand and he helps me to his car. We get on and the pain hits me like a truck Zen is not here to support me and Seven is driving. I don't know what to do. "MC you need to stay calm alright. I can call Zen" I nod not saying anything. Seven grabs his phone and puts it on speaker.

VOICEMAIL: "You have reached Zen please leave a message"

Seven: "Shit! Come on Zen she needs you right now!" We get to the hospital and I get put on a bed and rolled over to a delivery room. I see seven as he stands at the door, he couldn't do anything.

I finish the performance of the night and I can't wait to see MC and what she thought. I walk outside to be greeted by fans and compliments I thank them and look around for MC and Seven but I can't find them. I then get touched on the shoulder by one of my co-workers they hand me my phone, I look at it and Seven has been calling me non stop.

Co-worker: "I am sorry for being so intrusive Zen but I heard one of the voicemails and it said that your fiancé is in the hospital" My face turns white. It was about 2 weeks since I have told the public about me and MC's engagement and how she is pregnant.

"She is in the hospital!" My co-worker nodded. "Thank you, I need to go" I quickly go back home change and rush to the hospital. When I arrive I see Seven sitting in a chair worried.

"Seven!" Seven looked at me and runs over.

Seven: "ZEN!!! MC IS GIVING BIRTH!" He was grabbing my sweater that I put on. I could tell that he was afraid because he could not do anything.

"Where is she?!"

Seven: "room 206 I already told the other members. Now go she needs you!" I run over to room 206 and open the door.

"MC!!" MC looks at me and smiles in relief. "Are you okay?!"

MC: "I-I'm fine" she looked exhausted she already gone through two hours without me.

"I am so sorry. I didn't know if I knew I would have been here sooner" I hold her hand and hold it to my face. "I am so sorry" MC makes a notice of pain she was exhausted.

MC: "Zen I don't think I can do this." She looks over at me with some tears in her eyes. I wipe the tears.

"No you can and I will be here supporting you. I promise" I kiss her forehead and held her hand tighter. "Please don't give up"

---- Time Skip ----

MC has been going through labor for about 8 more hours since I have come she is exhausted and tired I can barely feel her holding my hand anymore.

MC: "Z-Zen I" she stuttering "can't" I look at her I was so worried. MC closes her eyes and her arm falls down from my hand.

"MC!!! Babe!!!" The doctor walked over and put a hand on my shoulder.

Doctor: "it's okay she just passed out from exhaustion. But the baby can't be delivered if she is like this" I start to cry a bit.

"Is there anything you can do?"

Doctor: "We can give her an emergency C-section but I need your okay to do the surgery" MC was afraid of surgeries but I know that if we lost Jin she would be so sad. I look at MC and nod.

"Alright. But you need to promise me that she will be okay!"

Doctor: "She will be fine and so will the baby." I take MC's hand and kiss it.

"Don't give up on me okay."

---- Time Skip ----

I walk outside of the delivery room and see that Yoosung was sleeping on Sevens lap Jumin was sitting with one leg over the other fiddling with his watch and Jaehee was talking with seven. Jumin looks over at me and sees's that I am distressed. Jumin stands up and walked over to me.

Jumin: "Zen what is going on is MC okay?" I look at him and start crying a bit.

"I-I don't know"

Zen x MC's Pregnant storyWhere stories live. Discover now