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After MC and I talked she left to get a pregnancy test she said she would not take long so I was home alone. I walk to the fridge and grab a beer and sit down. What the hell was I thinking was was I doing I might have got MC pregnant! I could not even focus on work right now because my head was so scrambled. I take a sip of beer it helps a little but I know it won't change the fact that MC could be pregnant with my child.

"GAHHH WE ARN'T EVEN MARRIED!!!" I smash my head on the table and sit up and rub my head. "damn! I really need to start thinking about things before I do them" I take one more sip of beer, to be honest, I would love to smoke right now but I made a promise to MC that I would stop and I don't want to break that promise especially in this situation. I put down the beer can "God, what do I do if she is pregnant?" I stop for a second and stand up "WHAT IF SHE IS PREGNANT AND WHEN SHE GIVES BIRTH ITS A GIRL! oh no this world is not a nice one. And if its a boy then I don't want him to go through the same torture I went through!" I place my hands on my face "what is wrong with me!" I put my hand on my hip "oh geez Zen how about the fact that you are screaming about the fact that your girlfriend might be pregnant and it's all your fault in the middle of your home all by yourself a-" I was stopped by a hug from MC.

MC: "Zen....." I turn over to look at her

"Oh no you heard that didn't you" She nodded "I-I'm sorry.....How could I be so blind" MC realizes me from the hug and I sit back down.

MC: "Zen I know it is a lot to take in we just need to get through this together alright" I look up at her I can tell she is just as scared as I am. I stand up

"This may be off topic but if you are pregnant I will be overjoyed I may not seem like it at first but just know that I will be happy alright" I brush her hair away from her shoulder

MC: "I know Zen. I also know it will be hard so don't give up on me alright" I nod and MC heads towards the bathroom. I sit back down and finish my beer, I was not praying that she would not be pregnant nor was I that she was I just wanted her to be happy. about five minutes later MC comes out of the bathroom with the test.

"What did the test say?" MC puts the test on the table I pick it up and read it. Positive. "Y-You really are"

MC: "yes I am"

"MC I am so sorry for doing this to you. we never talked about having children. Heck! we aren't even married!" MC sits beside me. "wow I am going to be a dad" the sudden realization hits me "IM GOING TO BE A DAD!" I get out from my seat and hug MC. "MC! you have no idea how happy I am right now! I promise I will be by your side through thick and thin!"

MC: "Thank you Zen" Another wave of realization hits me.

"W-Wow a dad" I sink to the floor

MC: "uhh Zen?"

"what about the others what do we tell them?"

MC: "The truth" I sigh and wrap my arm over my face. "That's all we can tell them" I nod and stand up

"Hey, babe? could you do something for me" MC looks at me and I gulp "c-could you bra-braid my hair" My face was red "It was just..... It calmed me down and made me so happy last time" 

MC: "aww Zen I would love to" MC stood up grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the couch. she took out my hair tie and used the brush we left out to brush my hair. I sigh

"Thanks, MC, I have no idea why this calms me down so much" I hear her giggle

MC: "Maybe its because no one ever touched your hair or braided it before other than your hairstylist and the people at your work of course" MC starts to hum a song from one of my musicals. I begin to hum with her and in about 1 min she stops and covers her mouth.

"awww why did you stop? I love listening to your voice" I can feel her start to braid my hair.

MC: "No I don't like my voice"

"That's silly then how did I fall in love with it" I felt MC's head hit my back. "haha I'm sorry but its true!" MC's head then suddenly shot up

MC: "OH!" she ran over to her room and came back with a handful of fake flowers. 

"what are you doing with those?" 

MC: "I'm going to put them in your braid!" My face is heating up 

"W-what?! is that even possible!" MC grabs a flower and puts it in my hair

MC: "sure is!" MC continues to put flowers in my hair and then after the last one is put in she quickly brushes the top of my head and braids a part of it "DONE!" she takes her phone and takes a picture from the back. she hands me her phone and I look at it.

"Babe! this looks awesome!" I turn around "you need to seriously consider becoming a hairstylist" MC laughs 

MC: "Thanks, Zen but I just like braiding your hair" I feel my head and smile 

"I hope you can braid our kid's hair like this" I stiffen up realizing what I just said. MC kisses my nose. 

MC: "I hope so too" A thaught rased through my head. because MC is pregnant she can't drink or have certain types of food and I will need to help her get new clothing. "Uhh, Zen?"

"MC I just realized because you are pregnant what you are going to go through for the next 40 months" 

MC: "yea I already know..... I kinda like being on a diet" 

"Well, the desition has been made!"

MC: "huh? what are yo-" I put my hand in the air


MC: "Oh zen you don't need to do that you are already working on quitting smoking I don't want you to force yourself to stop drinking" I lower my arm

"But I want to support you" MC puts her hand on my leg

MC: "and you can do that by watching over me" I sigh 

"Alright" MC jumps into my lap and snuggles into my arm. I kiss her forehead and she smiles.

MC: "You know Zen I think you are going to make an amazing father" I blush 

"Are you sure!? I'm not perfect you know and I know practically nothing about parenting! and what about my work" MC grabs my face and pulls it above hers

MC: "your flaws make you who you are Zenny and we can always learn together about parenting. as for your work you may be busy but I will always call you if I need something" she lets go of my face and I relax my head on her head.

"You need to stop being right all the time. I'm starting to get jealous" I see MC make a silly face "hey I saw that!" I zerbert her cheek and we both laugh. And for the rest of the evening we enjoyed each others company.

Zen x MC's Pregnant storyWhere stories live. Discover now