Paparazzi (EDITED)

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I got on my bike to pick Lin up from school he was 10 years old now and he has been such a beacon of light in MC and my life. I strap on my helmet and ride over to Jin's school when I get there Jin is not in our usual meeting place I figure it is because a teacher wanted to talk to him so I get off my bike and walk towards the school. I then see a bunch of flashing lights and people surrounding someone I walk in closer and realize that it was Jin!

Lin: "STOP PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE!" he was crouched on the ground with his hands on his head. I quickly part the crowd and pick up Lin.

"Lin its dad don't worry." he buries his face in my shoulder and I glare at the people around us. "Why the hell do you think you have the authority to harass my son!" A few people run off after seeing me but some stay and keep taking pictures. I walk off with Lin in my arms my hand on his head. He was crying, he did not know what to do. The people who stayed are glued to one spot not following us I put Lin in the sidecar I bought for him and I drive home. When we get home I take off my helmet and pick up Lin again he was still scared. I bring him inside. "Lin are you okay?"

Lin: "I-I di-didn't know what t-to do" he was stuttering a lot because of how much he was crying.

"Lin I am so sorry I never wanted you to see or experience that. please forgive me" he hugs me tighter not letting me go. I sigh and sit on the floor MC was out buying food so it was just me and Lin.

Jin: "Dad I am so scared" my heart skips a beat and I put a hand on his head.

"Please, just breathe you are okay now. I'm here" Lin is shaking but he begins to calm down. I rock back and fouth despite Lin being 10 he still needed lots of support not only in school but because of my social standing he always got recognized. I start to sing a song he liked from one of my musicals I thought that if he heard something he liked that would make him happy. In the middle of the song, I feel him singing along with me I smile a bit and continue until the song ends. "Lin are you feeling better?" he lets go of my shirt and looks at me. He has the same eyes as me red and brown hair just like MC. his eyes where puffy because he was crying but he had a slight smile on his face.

Lin: "Dad.... who were they?" I reposition him so he is looking at me. I sigh.

"You know how I am an actor right?" Lin nods "well those were some of my fans. not all of them are nice" Lin looks down and holds his shirt

Lin: "I thought you had only good fans like Jaehee" I smile

"Jaehee is my friend and my fan. in fact she is my best fan but sadly there can be no good without bad" I lye down and put Lin on my chest "do you understand?" Lin nods and relaxes on my chest.

Lin: "Dad why do they care so much about me? Shouldn't they care more about you?" I put my hand on his head

"Well the thing is because you are my son they are interested in you..... it is complicated"

Lin: "Oh" He rolls off of me and on the ground.

"I'm sorry Lin" Lin looks at me and smiles

Lin: "its okay dad! I know you never meant to do this so it is all their fault, not yours!" I can tell that my joyful Lin is coming back. I sit up and look at him.

"I hope you had a good day other than the incident"

Lin: "OH! I FORGOT TO TELL YOU!!" I turn my head in confusion "I got the part for the play!! I'm going to be a knight!!" I gasp with happiness.

"You are! oh, Lin I am so proud of you!" I give him a big hug he is laughing. "You are going to be the best knight ever!" I let go of him and he has a big smile on his face.

Lin: "Thanks, dad! I want to be just like you when I am older! I want to be brave and smart and be an actor!" My heart jumps and I feel my face turn red

"Y-you want to be like m-me?!" Lin nods his head

Lin: "You're like my superhero!" I can feel my heart burst he has never told me anything like this before and it made me so happy. "Dad are you okay?"

"AWWWW! JIN I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!" I hug him again and he hugs me back right then and there MC comes through the door.

MC: "Oh uhh what did I miss?"

Lin: "DAD IS MY SUPERHERO!" MC looks at me and I am crying tears of joy. MC smiles and puts down the groceries.

MC: "How about I get this little man some lunch. You must be hungry." he lets go of me and runs into the kitchen. MC looks at me I have my hand on my heart.

"He loves me" MC kisses me

MC: "of course he does why wouldn't he" I stand up and brush myself off I was still a little flustered by what Lin said. "So when did you get home?"

"A few minutes ago..... something happened at school today but I calmed him down." MC looks at me

MC: "Oh no what happened"

"Some of my fans were crowding him and taking pictures I managed to get Lin out of school but I don't know if we should send him tomorrow. I have a feeling"

MC: "I understand. you don't have any practices so you two can spend the day together" she elbowed my arm and I laugh.

"He said he wanted to be like me when he is older."

MC: "Awwww really!? you must really be an inspiration to him" we walk into the kitchen to see Lin eating some dry cereal. I sigh

"Yep he is definitely my son"

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