Chapter Part 4 A Royal Pain

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The emperor jerked awake for the second time not sure of where he was, Alatem helped him to his feet. "What happened?" he inquired.

Ali was surprised that the device had worked as well as it had, "You passed out I guess it was all the excitement of the past four days what with the assassinations and finding out that uncle was behind all the attempts."

For some reason the Emperor thought he was missing something. Knowing his daughter he was, as sneaky as she was. Charles watched from a distance watching his power levels this shimmer shield he'd gotten from the last time he'd been forward was going to be a god send, too bad it didn't last long. He knew with the Emperor's memory slightly wiped and reprogrammed he had a lot better chance now to complete the mission. Damn each time they stopped one, another popped up shit! Was the man hated that much?

Charles moved out of the hall to another room was just about to leave, when Alatem's mother walked in. Startled only a moment she quickly closed the doors locking them.

"So, you are the one that my daughter is in love with," holding up a hand to quiet him she continued. "I can see why she does, yes you are perfect for her as I assume she is for you." Reaching out she took his arm and led him away deeper into the room to a nearby wall, pressing 3 points near a picture the wall opened. "In quickly!" She advised. Following him she closed the door and lit a candle to reveal a small room with a table and chairs.

"Sit sir, I want to personally thank you for all our lives." Again she held up a hand to quiet him, "I know you are here to help our family. I am on your side seeing Alatem as happy as she is, is worth everything that we've been through. Now then, I know you are more than a little curious about the law no royal being touched but any but a royal." Sighing she took a big breath, "It started one hundred years ago well before Alatem was born, you see others of the royal family though not directly in line for the throne had many ... trysts. You might say these indiscretions produced many offspring that were uh, simple and deformed. Many royals thinking they were unable to have normal children stopped trying and the royal line almost died out. The Emperor my father in-law thought different and tested many of the royals, finding that the royal blood line was pure but many of the uh ... others the royals like to diddle with weren't."

Charles nodded his head this made a lot of sense though to ban even touching? "Why the no touching rule Empress? Was he afraid that the women from both castes were going to get impregnated just through touch?" Charles said a little incredulous.

She smiled she liked this man, intelligent as well as handsome. "It is Mita please, and as for the touching he decided that if the lower caste was afraid to touch the royals than it would be the supreme deterrent to them having children. Though it isn't that simple that's the deterrent of it." Charles nodded again this made a lot more sense now but how was he to get past this?

"Ok, so if a non-royal got a royal pregnant what would happen?" Charles asked though he was afraid he already knew the answer.

Sighing and taking a deep breath Mita thought a moment then answered, "The penalty would be most severe. Usually a long drawn out as painful death as possible and in the case of a royal getting pregnant by a non-royal then... ." Mita's mouth suddenly dropped agape, "I thought that she had put on a little weight! She is isn't she? You are the father are you not?"

"Yes," Charles answered proudly, "it happened when we were looking for an ancient time slip machine in my... ." Charles stopped short not sure just how much to tell Alatem's mother. Though he was close to trusting her he still wasn't sure she wouldn't turn him in at a moment's notice.

"Ah! I see you ARE from the future as I suspected." Holding up her hand again to quiet him she went on, "you are obviously an extremely brilliant man. That in its self drives your chances up fifty percent saving all our lives at least another twenty five percent.  The rules state that you have to be tested before you can be made a royal."

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