Chapter 1

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                            Copyright© 2014 - 2015 by Pars001. All rights reserved.

Charles stretched his lanky frame on his bed and rolled over stepping out of bed. Washing his hairless face he sighed once again at the slow and almost endless day that he had before him. As he stepped out of the shower he silently cursed as his com. system went off. "Every time I am taking a shower I swear." 

Snapping it on he looked at the sector supply pilot Julie, as she quickly took in his nude body. Clearing her throat she said, "Hey Charles glad to 'see' you."  As she checked him out again and a slow smile crossed her young face.

"What the hell? You're a week early" he snapped at her.

"My, my temper, temper what side of the shitter did you wake up on this morn? I had to, bad ion storms moving into this sector, so we had to leave early." she replied as her small hands reached for the engine controls.

"What ion storm? My preliminary scans would've picked that up if there were any." he queried back at her.

"Not this one, it's been behind me all week we had to boost the engines to get here ahead of it, moving fast, very unusual." She said a worried look on her face, "I heard that this was the only station with shields that could withstand it. You are something of a legend back at central command with the advanced tech you have and besides," a small smile again lighting up her face.  "I wanted to see you again."

Charles just sighed every time it was the same she wanted him he knew that but for some strange reason he didn't want her. With her 36c boobs, her long unending legs, her tiny waist and her long light brown hair, she was a wet dream to most men but not him.

I wonder if I am sick or something? He thought, as he watched her start her docking procedures. It was an oddity to him as he felt he was one also. Charles entered the commands to allow her ship in the station then started the scans again to pick up the approaching storm. Within minutes he had spotted it and as she had said it was moving at tremendous velocity, unlike anything he had ever seen before and he had seen quite a few. Readings started to come in on his view screen and he just shook his head at the massive amounts of energy that it was producing.

After Julie docked he secured the station and started to shift everything, he activated the shields and starting doing checks on all systems. He made sure that all backup systems were ready to go, as a failure would mean his and Julie and her crew's lives if there was. Charles stood at the console with a perplexed look on his face as Julie walked into the command center.

At five feet eight inches he wasn't the tallest, the most handsome or hell the most sought after especially after the fiasco after the graduation ceremony. He and Karen had snuck out behind the building to have sex. He had ejaculated before he was half way in her, he couldn't live with the shame so he had taken the first deep space station he could and swore off women forever.

"I have never seen readings like these what did the scientists say back at home base?" He said not turning as she walked up behind him.

"They didn't know what it was and they knew that your equipment was far more advanced than theirs. They want readings just as soon as you can by the way." She smirked as she looked at the readings on his console.

"There is a pattern here I have seen before but it's been a long time not sure if..." A shocked look ran across his face as he started to move toward other equipment on the other side of the room.

"I know what this is I haven't seen in years." Julie was lost as she watched him move from console to console.

"What are you talking about" she asked.

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