A small adventure

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Hello, everyone. A lot of you guys voted for rwby chibi, so rusty what I'll do. So..lets read.

[John's POV]
I was playing with y/n's pet beowolf Delta, by throwing a plastic ball at him, while he bounces it back with his paw. Earlier, he, kyle and jade were getting something for our entertainment. I can't wait to see what it is..

John: Hey Delta..

The pup looked at me, wondering what I'm about to say..

John: Do you think they are gonna bring back something good?

Delta: *barks in a way to say yes*

John: Cool. You are one smart grimm.

Delta than began to crawl towards me and nuzzle against my leg.

John: Cute.

Before I thought of anything else, the dorm door opened to reveal y/n and the others coming in..

Y/n: Hey, John. Hey Delta.

Delta: *barks happily and jumps on y/n, licking his face all over*

Y/n: *laughs, and pets him* I missed you too buddy.

Jade: I almost forgot how cute delta is.

Y/n: His cuteness is equal to your crystal Dragon form.

Jade: Aww..*kisses y/n* Thank you.

Kyle: You two really are perfect for one another.

Y/n: Yep. Anyway, I downloaded a video for us to watch in the living room.

John: What's the name of the video?

Y/n: Something called..RWBY Chibi.

Jade: *blinks twice* I'm sorry..whhaatt??

John: RWBY..

Kyle: Chibi??

Y/n: Yep. I found the name weird at first. But I still wanna see how it plays out.

Jade: I'm up for that. How about you two?

Kyle: Sure.

John: Put the video on.

Y/n: Alright.

[Y/n's POV]
I turned on the living room tv, went through my downloaded files and found the video i added.

Y/n: Got it. Now to play it.

John: To think..there are Chibi versions of our friends.

Y/n: Wait until you see..

I played the file and we all waited a few seconds before the video to play. Then my screen did this..

A Broken Rose: Neglected Male Reader x RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now