
“Ohho Ne you are looking awesome chale” Ragini hugged Neha who was looking at herself in the mirror. She smiled sadly. “What happened?” asked Ragini. “Nothing” said she and got up. “You are missing him isn't it?” asked Ragini. “I don't want to talk about him please” said she.

“I met him yesterday” Ragini lowered her head. “Why dee?” asked Neha approaching her. “Because it was his last wish” she looked at Neha. Her hands dropped. “He is suffering from Plague and there are no chances of him surviving and he asked the Jailer. And trust me he is in a very bad condition” Ragini cupped Neha's face. She closed her eyes painfully.

“And what did you spoke to him?” asked Neha. “I said I forgave him” Ragini smiled at her. “Why did you do that?” asked Neha shocked. “The day he realized his mistakes he was covered with the greatest guilt and that's the biggest punishment. And I can't keep my grudge on a person who is dying” said she caressing Neha's hair.

“You will meet him na tomorrow?” asked Ragini. Neha hugged her and nodded her head. “Now stop this crying. I'm damn bad at make up so I can't do it again. Let's go” said Ragini dragging her.

“Kabeer Khan ibn Abdul Khan kya apko Sumitra binte Jamunadas se Nikah Qubul hai?” the Qazi asked and everyone waited for Khan's response. “Qubul hai” and all clapped happily

Then the Qazi turned to Sumitra and asked “Sumitra binte Jamunadas kya apko Kabeer Khan ibn Abdul Khan se Nikah Qubul hai?” Eveyone waited for her response now. “Qubul hai” she nodded her head and all clapped happily.

Karan was smiling with a happy tear. “Aww barfi” Ragini pulled his cheek. He smiled at her dragging her into a side hug.

All enjoyed the party.

“Attention please” Laksh grabbed the mic and smirked. “Yeh HK ne pee li kya?” Ragini asked Akshat and he shrugged his shoulder. Uttara glared him and he smiled at her sheepishly. “I wasn't the one who said that” he pointed at Ragini.

She looked away and he dragged her into a side hug and she finally smiled in his hold. Ragini looked at Laksh confused.

“Hey Ragzee what are you doing for the rest of your life?” she looked at him like he is the patient from the mental assylum

“Oh don't look at me like that you make me blush” he said and continued “Actually I thought of spending my whole life with you” he winked at her and the crowd went aww at his remark.

Ragini tried hard not to blush.

“I want to see this blush every morning get up beside me. I want to tease you pulling your cheeks all the time. I want to see the sun set sitting beside you everyday. I want to fight over the extra salt you put in the food over dinner” she smiled through her tears.

“I just want you beside me for a bit more than forever. Will you marry me?” he knelt in front of her. She nodded her head and kissed his forehead and stood touching his forehead and all clapped looking at them.


"Go Now" Ragini walked to her home. He held her hand and dragged her back and she landed on his chest.

"Laksh" she complained. "You did not give me my treat" he looked at her lips and she pushed him a bit.

"Not fair Ragini Rathore you cannot escape this Casanova" before she could resist he placed his lips over her lips and she widened her eyes shocked

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"Not fair Ragini Rathore you cannot escape this Casanova" before she could resist he placed his lips over her lips and she widened her eyes shocked.

And then closed her eyes pulling him near.

And the epilogue is here.

I'm speechless right now can't believe this story ended.

Just leave your feedbacks which I need for improvement.

Thank you so much guys
Thanks a ton

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2019 ⏰

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