Accident [Eremika]

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The last mission to secure land for mankind has ended terribly. Many were killed or wounded. Not even the mankind's strongest soldier, Levi survived without a scratch. Even with Eren's titan shifting power, the mission still a bust.

Author's POV
Survey Corps HQ

"Damnit....", Levi cursed under his breath while the medical personnel wrapped his wounded body.

"Those titans sure annoys me...", Jean said while he's getting himself bandage too.

"DAMN YOU TITANS!!!", Eren yelled as him punched against the wall.

"Shut up brat! No one here has a good day.", Levi said.

"Where's Mikasa? She survived it right?", Armin asked.

"Yeah....she's badly wounded. She's been taken to the medical room.", Eren replied while tried to suppress his anger.

"Be sure to take a look on her. She die trying to safe you.", Armin said before he leave.

"I will....", he said as he walked towards her room.


"Encounter a dozen 10 meter class titans!!!", one of the survey corps member yelled.

"A dozen! Looks like today is our lucky day.", Jean sarcastically said.

"All of you changed into your vertical maneuver gear! We can't dodge them so we gonna kill them all!", Levi said as he swiftly switched to his gear and launched himself towards the titans. The rest of the survey corps member charged themselves towards the titans.

"Heichou! Should I turn titan?", Eren asked as him zipping through the sky.

"Wait for further orders.", Levi replied.

"EREN! WATCH OUT!", Mikasa yelled as she saw a titan leap towards Eren. She went as fast as she can, killed the titan before it ate him.

"Shit....there's too many for them. We might get ourselves killed.", Levi said in his mind.

"Erwin... should we retreat? We can't pushed further, or else we will deplete our gas. We can't just wasting people's life.", Levi asked.

"Yeah...We should, send the flares.", the commander replied as Levi shot the flare into the sky.

"That's the retreat sign! Guys! Let's go home.", Armin said.

The surviving members of the survey corps headed back to the walls. As they headed back to the wall, a hoard of titans came out of nowhere.

"There's more of it!", Connie yelled.

"EREN! It's your time.", Levi turned back his head and said. Eren bit his hand, in a flash of bright light and lightning, he transformed into the rouge titan known by anyone. He leaped forward, holding the titans back to let the rest of the member to pass by. Several elite soldier like Levi and Mikasa came to aid Eren.

He punched and kicked all of the titans out of his way, created a opening. But as time passed he's also over ran by the titans, at least the rest of the member entered inside the wall safely.

"Hey brat! We have to go!", Levi yelled at Mikasa as they slay the titans.

"We still need to wait for Eren!", Mikasa replied.

"Hey! Looks like he almost ran out of gas.", Levi said as he pointed at the already exhausted rouge titan. Slowly the titans around him started to eat his flesh, teared of his limps. Slowly the titan shifter appeared at the back of the nape.

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