"God you're so extra." Herc announced with mouth full of food.

"Hush. I'm just getting started to the Halloween spirit." Laf stuck his nose up. Mulligan rolled his eyes.

"Oh boy.." I giggled.

"So! Alex, what's your costume?" I raised an eyebrow up at Laf.

"..what are you being for Halloween?.." Laf used his hands for actions. I come to realize,,, I don't even HAVE a costume.

"Oh shi-!" I choked on oxygen.

"Wow, chill out." Herc patted my back.

"I haven't even got a costume!! Holy- I need to get one now!" I jumped off of the bench and Hercules grabs my sweater, pulling me back to my spot.

"You ain't ditching school my friend." He leaned back.


"Alex. Have you forgotten that there is no specific time Halloween starts at? You have lots of time to get a costume.

"BUT THERE'S SO MANY TO CHOOSE FROM. IT TAKES ME AT LEAST 8 HOURS TO BE SATISFIED WITH MY COSTUME!." I groaned. I flopped my face into my arms, on the bench.

"Why don't we help you?" Laf suggested.

"Really?" I lifted my head back up.

"Of course! We're your best friends. Besides,, I need a costume as well." Laf munched on his sandwich.

I smiled. This will be fun.


"IM FUCKING STRESSED." I shouted, pulling my hair. Everyone in the costume store stared at me.

"Oh mon Dieu, calm down." Laf threw his hands on his hips.

"You don't understand. There so many costumes to pick from!" I groaned.

"Well what are the options?" Asked Herc.

I cleared my throat. Getting ready to reveal my choices.

"So I thought about being a pirate at first but than I remembered I already was a pirate in 1st grade so that was a no than I looked around more to see a cowboy and I thought that was cool but they only have smalls and larges and that's not good then I found a vampire costume but probably everyone is being a vampire than I saw a pennywise costume but the problem is that I don't know how to put on makeup like pennywise then I saw a devil costume but I thought that if I wore a devil's costume God would get mad at me and send me to hell then I saw this blue polo but ya know it's just a polo that probably isn't a costume and just some how ended up in the costume store then-"

"Alex, slow down. Inhale some oxygen won't you?" Laf interrupted. I panted. Hercules patted my back for support.

"Why don't we ask the lady at the front for some help." Laf pulled me to the lady fixing up the costume displayed at the window.

"Pardon Madame, mon friend-"

"Howdy! Are you interested in this blue polo costume for Halloween?" She suggested.

"Um, non. See, my friend here has been searching for the perfect costume, and We were wondering if you can help us find it?"

"OOO YES! I know JUST the thing! Stay here." The woman ran away into the aisles of costumes. Me and Laf shared a confusion look.

She returned with a yellow-folded costume in her hands.

"This is the perfect costume! Would you like to see it-"

"No. If you did, we would be here for much longer because of this guy not being satisfied." I stuck my tongue at him.

"Alright. Follow me over to the cash register." Laf looked at me, and whispered, "I'll pay. But you owe me later."

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