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             I sat in the alley as I watched the people of Vale go by. I had been on my own since I was 10. Now I was 18. I slowly got up and ate the last of my food. I then headed out the alley and put my hood up. I saw a poster telling of how you should join Beacon. 

'Pfft, they're full of themselves.'I thought. I then grabbed a rock and ribbed up the poster. Once I was finished It looked like a beowulf ripped it up. I turned around to leave but I saw two Atlas soldiers running towards me.

'They must have seen me!'I thought before running towards the outskirts of Vale.

"Kid stop! You're under arrest!"said one of the soldiers. I kept running. 5 minutes later I was lost in the Emerald forest. I turned around and the soldiers were still following me.

"Kiiid...stop."said the Atlas trooper, out of breath. I kept running. I then hid in an open tree as the soldiers went by.

"Hold on I...need a minute."said the blue Atlas soldier.

"Fine but we should keep moving and find that kid."said the red Atlas trooper.

"Sir we got to be careful out here, there could be armies of Grimm out here."said the other soldier.

"I know." I quickly ran out the tree and ran into a open field.

"KID STOP!"said the Atlas soldier's. I then heard guns cocking. I slowly raised my arms in surrender. I heard their footsteps beat against the ground. Then a loud growl erupted from the tree line.

"What the..."said the main trooper but was cut off by a Ursa climbing from the edge of the opening.

"OH MY GOD! BIG URSA!"said the second soldier as they fired at the Ursa. All it did was anger it.

"We need back up!"cried the captain. The soldier's then turn a ran back to Vale. I stood there shaking. I was about to die. The Ursa stood above me and growled. Then it slowly lowered its head and rubbed it against my side. I quickly stiffened up.

"Uhhhhh...hi?"I said. I then saw almost 30 beowulves come from the forest. They all slowly approached. I stiffened even more. The Ursa then left me and headed back into the forest while the beowulves kept coming. I slowly started to back up until I ran into a beowulf. I jumped a bit. I then heard a voice.

"You're okay Y/N, you are fine."said the voice.

"Ummmm...hello?"I said.

"Turn around, I'm right here."said the voice. I slowly turned around to see a beowulf looking right into me. I started to tremble.

"You can hear me?"I asked.

"Yes."said the beowulf.

"Okay...can you talk normally instead of through my mind?"I said, confused by everything.

"Of course, why would you ask that!"said the Grimm.

"Oh."I said.

"Y/N, you can speak to me, you're special. You are Grimm sensitive."said the wolf.

"What does that mean, like I can speak to Grimm?"

"And control us."added the beowulf.

"Well now learning all this, how about I name you?"I asked.

"That would be wonderful master."said the beowulf.

"How about, Owlfred?"I asked.

"Amazing sir."said Owlfred in a British voice. Then Owlfred's ears perked up. We both looked up to see two Atlas bullheads fly above us.

"Crap."I said. The bullheads landed and dropped 20 Atlas troops. The bullheads then hovered above them and readied their weapons.

"Kid get on the ground or we will shoot you!"yelled the same captain from before. Owlfred growled and the captain shot Owlfred in the leg. Owlfred whimpered before falling behind me.

"OWLFRED!"I yelled in anger and sadness. I then bent down next to Owlfred, checking on him. I heard the soldiers slowly approach.

"GO... AWAY!"I screamed throwing my hand the bullheads causing them to lose altitude. I then balled my hands into a fist, crushing the bullheads in midair. The bullheads then crashed to the ground on top of 15 of the Atlas soldiers.

"LOOK OUT!"said a soldier as he dived out of the way of the bullhead.

"Kill this kid!"yelled the captain as he shot me. I threw up a piece of debris and used it as a shield. I then heard the captain reloading. I then threw the metal plate hard at the soldiers, crushing three of them and the captain. The first soldier approached me shooting his gun. I dodged all the shots and threw his gun out of his hand with my new found powers. I turned the gun around and shot the soldier in his shoulder, leg, and side. The soldier collapsed against the destroyed bullhead. The other soldier fell to the ground and tried to crawl away but he did not notice the pack of beowulves behind him. The head wulf then brought its jaws on the soldier's shoulder.

"GAHHH! HELP ME!"screamed the soldier but I just stood still.

"NOOOO! PLEASE! AHHHHH!!!"shouted the soldier as he was dragged into the woods. His screaming soon went silent. I then ran over to Owlfred to check on him.

"Owlfred are you alright, I..."I started but was cut off by Owlfred speaking.

"Y/N, you have the semblance of telekinesis. You can also read minds, like Salem."said Owlfred.

"Who?"I asked.

"The Grimm Queen."said Owlfred as he stood up.

"We must take you to her."said Owlfred as the rest of the pack came from the forest.

"Okay, lead the way."

HEY GUYS! Legit here and this is my first reader insert so BEAR with me, am I right guys? HA HA HA I am so lonely. Anyways, hope you enjoyed as always and I will talk to you guys later!

King of The Grimm: Reader x RWBYTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang