"i asked, didn't i?" yerin repeated, her cheerful and carefree aura now gone and replaced with something dark. she was fucking mad. "what. the. fuck. do. you. think. you're. doing?" she continued, each word, emphasized. her anger was basically steaming off her but she didn't care.

how could they hurt eunbi? the girl has been through so much and they bullied her because what? because of fucking jackson. of course.

eunbi sat at the floor, almost unconscious. the pain finally kicked in and her tear stained face looked up to yerin. yerin bit back a growl when she saw the nail marks on eunbi's neck and how she was clutching her stomach in pain.

"s-sunbae i can explain." another girl tried, trying to take her attention away from the girl they were torturing earlier.

"explain? i saw all of you. beating her up. why? is it because of jackson? huh? answer me now." she said. her eyes stone cold and her voice emotionless. it was a different side from what eunbi always saw. yerin was always so happy and seeing how angry she looks brings a shiver up her spine. the girls seemed to feel it to because they immediately answered in fear.

"y-yes, but she deserved it. she was being a bitch and she should've broken up with jackson oppa when we told her to. jackson deserves georgia eonnie not her, she's fucking trash." as soon as the word rolled out ellie's thounge, yerin stepped forward a dangerous aura coming off her. the girls gulped. even eunbi was scared.

"did you fucking say she's trash?" ellie didn't answer. "you know what? your face looks like trash. your personality is fucking trash. you are fucking trash. there's a trashcan outside, i think that's where you belong bitch." yerin said, smirking at how stunned the girls look. yerin was known for her sweet and angel-like personality and seeing how she cursed and dissed ellie was enough warning for the four of them.

"get the fuck out. i don't want to see your faces. if you mess with eunbi again, i will end you. is that clear?" the girls nodded and hurried out the bathroom. yerin sighed and looked at the eunbi who was sprawled out in the floor.

"baby," yerin let out, unaware of what she called eunbi. she crouched down and helped eunni get into a better sitting position, her back resting in of the stall's doors'.

"eonnie." eunbi sniffed, her voice cracking in the end. yerin wanted to cry. "it hurts. eonnie, it hurts." she cried, tears rolling down her face.

yerin couldn't stand seeing her like this.

so broken.

it hurts her heart.

"baby, we'll get you out of here okay? then we'll go to the hospital to get you checked. where does it hurt?" yerin said gently, brushing a few strands of eunbi's hair away from her face. yerin looked at the beautiful face in front of her, so gorgeous yet destroyed.

"i don't know. it hurts a lot. i'm sorry for bothering you." eunbi apologized, she tried standing up but her thighs hurt by how ellie kickd it with the end of her high heeled shoes. "eunbi you're never a bother to me. you can't stand up?" eunbi nodded, still clutching her stomach, it hurt a lot worse than their other kicks and punches. "your stomach is that bad?" yerin asked, her sweet voice laced with genuine worry. "i'm going to piggyback you till we get to the front, then we'll get a taxi to take us to the hospital. does that sound good to you?" eunbi muttered a yes, and yerin smiled sadly at her and with a lot of strength, carried her from where she was sitting. she walked up the door and nudged eunbi with a squeeze.

"open the door for me?" so she did.

yerin covered her face with her hoodie and told her to sleep and she wasn't that heavy but the guilt of her having to carry her like this kept her awake. keeping herself busy by listening to yerin's soft breaths.



"why did you call me baby earlier?" yerin flinched but answered anyway,

"because i wanted to. because you're special." eunbi beamed, despite the pain. hearing how yerin told her that she was special made her heart jump and do million of cartwheels.

"you're special to me too." she answered, burying her face in yerin's neck to hide her blusing face, even though she's sure yerin wouldn't see her face. yerin laughed softly and continued walking, a comfortable silence between them. eunbi was starting to doze off.

"i really like you." she said. yerin froze, and stopped walking. eunbi could feel her face twisting to something of shock.

"y-you do?" yerin recovered, continuing on walking and turning left.

"yeah. you like me too?" eunbi asked, smiling a bit. wow, she just confessed her feelings to yerin. it felt good.

wait what.

before she had to take back what she said, yerin answered, "i like you too. like a whole lot. you're an amazing human being." eunbi's face was positively red now, but she couldn't stop herself from saying, "am i your baby now." bluntly. yerin chuckled, her body vibrating.

"you are."

"i'm not jackson's baby. i'm your baby?" she asked again, trying to make sense of the situation. her body still hurt like hell but this whole confession thing was taking the pain away.

"yes you are."


"because i like you." yerin stated. eunbi hit her lightly out of embarrassment and yerin just laughed.

"i like you too." eunbi mumbled. "so are we going out on dates now? you're not going to flirt with random guys in the mall's supermarket?" she whined.

"i don't flirt with guys at the supermarket." yerin whined back, turning right this time.

"yes you do."

"i didn't peg you for the jealous type." eunbi muttered a shut up in return. "i was really really worried about you. i'm glad that i found you before somethng much worse could happen to you." yerin said, her voice soft and full of worry and a tinge of happiness.

"i'm okay now, thanks to you. even though my body hurts a lot." eunbi agreed , hugging yerin tighter. "you're always saving me. are you superman?" eunbi asked and yawned in the middle of the sentence.

"i'm not. but you're someone i should protect. and even if i don't have any superhuman gifts, or me being a superhero, i will still protect even if it would hurt me. because i really like you."

"why are you making me cry." eunbi said through her new set of tears. she felt yerin smile. "you should sleep, i'll wake you up when we get there." she nodded again and buried herself deeper in yerin's neck inhaling the faint smell of her perfume.

"are you still going to like me if i fall asleep?"

"i would still like you."

"can you say it please?"

"i really like you baby."

"i really like you too, eonnie." she giggled, finally falling asleep in yerin's back

the pain was gone and was replaced with happiness bubbling in her stomach waiting to be let out.

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