Chapter Thirty-Four

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He wasn't there in the morning. I glanced at the clock, 12:39. I can't believe I slept this long, normally I would wake up at 8 or earlier. I looked around the dirty room and sighed. Maybe he went down to get breakfast? I got up going straight for the bathroom. I looked at the sink, just staring. I opened up the cabinet below it, nothing. I sighed in relief turning on the water. I just kinda stared at it too. That was until my hand broke its path, splashing the water on my face to wake me up.

Then there was a knock on the door. It was soft but it's sound still rung around the room. I dried off my face, pulling down the shirt I was wearing to cover my legs a little bit more. I then opened the door, seeing Adrien stand there with a paper bag. He seemed to have looked over me, his eyes grasping my every feature until they reached my eyes.

"I uh..I got food" I opened the door wider letting him in. He seemed to have been talking to himself as he entered, shaking his head in the process. He placed the bag down on the bed, he sat on its edge. I joined him, sitting on the other side of him as he handed me a sandwich, wrapped in white paper. "I didn't know if you liked olives so I have some here if you want, I asked for them on the side"

I basically shrugged, barley putting any energy into eating. Weirdly I wasn't that hungry. He went to hand me some chips but I shrugged again gently pushing them away. I felt his gaze on me as I looked down, picking at my food. "Why aren't you eating? You haven't eaten in at least a day"

"I-I'm not hungry" his head tilted, he picked up the sandwich in my hand and had thrusted it toward my face. I couldn't get Kim out of my mind. It was like he was on repeat in my head.

"Eat, I'm not doing this with you. Not now"

"I-I'll eat later. I don't-"

"Cut the bullshit. Eat before I force it down you throat" my eyes widen at his response. His pupils had gotten bigger, I bit my tongue taking the food and eating slowly. His eyes adjusted back to normal. "I'm sorry...I'm just frustrated"

I kept picking at the sandwich, taking tiny bites at it I heard him sigh again and he got back up, grabbing his keys. "Let's go we still have more training for you to do. Go get dressed in something other than my shirt" I took one last bite before getting up and going to the duffel bag. I didn't even care he was there, I stripped off my shirt, leaving my top half bare.

I turned away from him still going through the bag, struggling to find a bra. I didn't hear the door open though. As soon as I found one I slipped it on then found him just staring. "What? It's not like you haven't seen them"

"Just...just get dressed" with that he left, the door slamming on his way out.

Training lasted for three hours. At the end of it, I had bruises everywhere, the cut on my lip reopening. I was sore, I felt like I was dying.

After we both had showered, not at the same time of coarse, we had gotten back in the car and back onto the road.

"Where are we even going?" He stayed silent, turning up the soft music in the background. I bit my inner cheek, keeping the silence between us. The music had just kept playing, the words seeming to drown out the silence. I hated it. I lowered the music again. "Adrien where are we going? I want to know"

"Kims house.. someone has to tell his family the news"

"Are they apart of-"

"They are veterans to the gang, they retired. They were working with my dad" my mouth formed in an 'o' shape. Then the pang of sadness and guilt had hit me again. My throat started to burn, feeling scratchy. I gulped it down, trying to get rid of the feeling. We kept driving. I don't know where exactly we were, I don't know where exactly because we just kept driving in the open field. Then there was a house.

The house was a shack. At least from the distance it was. Surrounded by trees, the wooden structure stood, the wood tearing away. He stopped the car getting out and I followed. He walked up to the shack, his shoulders slumping slightly.

"T-this is his house?" He sighed.

"Yup" then he bent down turning over a rock. There was a blue panel, a screen upon it. The screen glowed blue and Adrien put his silver ring against it. Then panel then glowed green, he stepped inside the shack. I put the rock back on the panel following him again. I was amazed. The floor had opened up to reveal a staircase. Quickly he started to go down the staircase while the hatch started to close. I chased after him, just barely making it in before the hatch had shut.

He just kept going, as if forgetting I was there. His pace had then slowed as a living room had appeared. The place was huge, the home had stretched out looking like a mansion. Then there was a smell. Like someone was cooking. "Follow me and don't say anything. I need your mouth to be shut" I nodded bitting my bottom lip. I did as I was told, he led me to a kitchen.

There was a woman. Standing by the pot on the stove. An apron was on her, she was humming a soft melody all her attention on her work. Then she stopped for a second. "Dear you really shouldn't be out of bed. I told you I'll bring you something up-" she turned her sentence stopping then her eyes widening. "C-Chaton..What brings you here?"

"I need to talk to you and your husband. Where is he?"

"U-upstairs...has something happened you normally don't visit when Kim isn't with you" he didn't show any emotion.

"Just please lead me to him. Mari can you stay here and finish up lunch" the woman looked confusingly between me and him.

"Don't worry I'm"

"Girlfriend. She my girlfriend, she's in training to become one of us" she nodded still seeming unsure of me. His hand fell to her back, leading her out of the room.

That Damn Purrfect  Kidnapper Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora