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"Mama! Do you need anything else done?" I skipped a few steps making my way down to the bakery.

"Marinette do help your father with the baking and kneed the flour for him, you know how messy he gets!" She said back and went back to the customer she was working with. I grabbed an apron sliding it over my head as I grabbed a scrunchie pulling my hair up in a bun. I hummed a bit and walked to where my papa was.

"Papa, mama said that I'll finish up the dough. She needs help with the customers up front" he turned to me and half of his face was already lightly coated with the white powder.

"Alright then did I get some on my face?" He asked cautiously bending a bit down so I could get a better view. I took a towel that was set on the counter top and wiped off is face.

"There papa handsome as ever" he grinned.

"You bet Mari" he then walked off going into conversation with a customer. I sighed in content and turned to the dough kneading it.

My family was perfect. They were my life. My mama and papas relationship was something others adored. They looked at my parents with adoration of how they are still this deep in love with each other. Also how they raised me was another thing, and I liked it. Hey we're perfect as they could be.

I heard a jingle from the front door and for some reason my eyes trailed over. They were met with a boy. My age. He had blonde hair, and striking green eyes. He held a smoke in his mouth as he walked in and I scrunched my nose. I hated smokers. I groaned and wiped my hands on my apron walking over to him as he stood by the doorway. "Excuse me sir?" His attention turned to me, his cold gaze making me shiver.

"Um..hi..uh listen there is no smoking aloud inside the bakery,if you would please get rid of it or kindly step outside" I said politely and he tilted his head at me.

He put his mouth up the his smoke and took it out of his mouth. "And you are?" His voice was cold and deep, another shiver running down my spine.

"I-I'm the bakers daughter, now could you please excuse yourself outside please" I was slowly starting to get impatient.

"I only came to pick up something, is that so much to ask?" His voice rose a bit and I rolled my eyes.

"Fine since I'm getting no where with you, what's the order name"

"Agreste" I turned and as soon as he said that I think my breath hitched. I titled my head back towards him.

"A-as in the Gabriel Agreste" he hummed in response."And you're-"

"The one and only now can you hurry up or do you want a signed picture as well" I narrowed my eyes at him and groaned, crossing my arms. I turned on my heel heading for where we kept the pre-ordered pastries.

I looked for Agreste and eventually found a white cake. It was simple and small. It had blue icing for writing. Happy Birthday. My eyebrow raised and I walked back to where he was.

"Okay that will be Eleven,Thirty one" he grumbled something under his breath, popping the smoke in his mouth. He reached into his jacket pocket and took out his wallet. He opened it and I couldn't help I stare at the wads of cash that filled the Walllet. He groaned at something and flashed out a twenty.

"Keep the change" he mumbled grabbing the cake from my hands and walking out of the store. He dropped something and upon looking at it, it was the cigarette. I rolled my eyes kicking it out of the shop. He has got some nerves.

I looked at the clock and saw it was 8:25. Oh no! I've been talking with the Agreste I lost track of time! I jumped up throwing my apron on the rack and ran upstairs.

I took a quick shower not washing my hair and got dressed as quick as I could. I ran downstairs grabbing my bag and saying my goodbyes to Mama and Papa. I grabbed a croissant eating as I sprinted towards my school.

Almost getting hit by a few cars and getting honked at. Not my best. I ran into the school and kept going to science class.

"Oui' and then when adding the other chemical- oh what a surprise Miss Dupin-Chang  its great for you to join us"

"Désolé Professeur" I grumbled and walked to my seat next to Alya, my best friend.

"C'est bon Marionette, now as I was saying-" I blocked out the rest of what she was saying pulling out my notebook.

"Girl where have you been?" Alya seemed a bit giddy, none the less.

"Sorry trouble at the bakery" she nodded and looked back at the teacher.

"You will not believe who we have in our class! New student and he's h-o-t! He's a model"

"Probably a stuck up A hole" I mumbled under my breath, remembering the encounter with a certain Agreste. She lightly slapped my  arm and whispered back. "Uh no! You haven't even met him"

"Mhm" I looked at the teacher as she stopped talking for a minute, turning towards  the door.

"Oh would you look at that! Two late students today, Mr.Agreste" she greeted as a man with blonde hair stepped in and immediately  his emerald eyes capturing my gaze.

Adrian fricken Agreste is in my class.

That Damn Purrfect  Kidnapper जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें