Chapter Eleven

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In the morning he was gone. I woke up in the same room I was placed in and it felt, lonely. I guess because of the fact he isn't here it just felt, weird. Plagg had jumped up onto the bed, rubbing himself up against a me, purring.

I picked him up, sitting up, and putting him on
my lap. I started to pet him and he kinda curled up, falling asleep in my lap. I giggled a bit, scratching his head and put him on the bed. I got up stretching, then made my way towards the kitchen for some breakfast.

I looked through the cabinets seeing really nothing I would eat and just decided on cereal. I quietly ate and then Lila came into the room wearing  her disguise. She adjusted her belt and then stared me down.

"Open a door. You die. Open a window. You die. Do anything that includes the outside world. You die,okay?" I nodded a bit nervous and she smiled.

"Have a good day" a window opened and she used a grappling hook to get out. The window closed and I blew the hair out of my face. Such a bitch.

I grumbled under my breathe suddenly losing my appetite. I got up, putting the dishes in the sink and the walking towards the living room. I sat down on the couch, putting the tv on, the news was on.

They were talking about some fires and then something on the coffee table caught my eye. I looked down to see an old phone and a note attached to it.

I picked it up. "I put my contact in there just incase you need to contact me while I'm gone
P.S: its hacked so don't get any other ideas"

I frowned at the last part but hey, at least I had a form of contact. I opened it up to see his contact and I grinned a bit. He put in a silly picture of himself there.

I rolled my eyes and then saw that he texted me. "Text me when you get your phone"

Plagg jumped up and rested next to me. "I'm
Up. Thanks for the phone" I rested the phone next to me staring up at the tv.

"Good morning Paris! Today there is some breaking news in the Case of Marinette's disappearance. A Hearing from her parents was taken from the press yesterday afternoon and here it is" I turned up the volume on the tv, my throat already starting to sting. God I missed my parents.

"Um..I am Mr.Duphin-Chang, I am Marinette's father and My wife and I need whoever did this to come foreword. Police have told us it was the Chat and there is no chance of survival for my daughter" I watched as tears streamed down my fathers face and I froze. He never cried. I sniffled as he continued.

"But I know she is still out there, cold, hungry, ripped away from her life. Her good life. She was happy. She used to help us bake, and earning us money. She got straight 'A's in school. She had lots of friends her best friend being Alya.  I just..we just need our baby back" the press then started to question them all talking at once. Two what seemed policemen then escorted my sobbing mother and dad out of the cameras view. The scene shifted back to the newsman.

"This is channel 11 news, from Paris, France. We will be back in a bit, right after this"

I turned off the television and then my elbows rested against my knees and I cried. The feeling of homesick hit me like a bullet. Just thinking about my whole situation made me want to puke. It was all too much. Too much.

I then felt something next to me buzz and I looked at it. It was Adrien. I let it go to voice mail and then he rang back. He never going to stop. I answered it.

"H-hello?" I wiped away the tears. I'm such a crybaby.

"Hey Bugaboo. You got me worried the first time you didn't answer, you alright?"

I coughed, trying to get the dryness out of my throat. "Ya..Peachy" I tried to sound enthusiastic.

"Mari have you been crying?"

"No" my voice croaked. God I really need to learn how to be emotionless or something, this is ridiculous.

"Marinette damnit tell me now! Is it Volpina?" Suddenly he grew angry, my eyes widen at this sudden outburst.


"Is someone inside the house?"


"Then what is it?"


"It's what?"


"Stop it with the gibberish and use your fucking mouth Marinette"

"I just saw my parents on the news and I fucking miss them! I'm fucking upset over the fact that im being held fucking captive by a guy who dresses up in a cat costume! IM FUCKING UPSET CHAT!" Instantly I covered my mouth as my thoughts had leaked out into words. He didn't speak. Silence. I heard him take a shaky breathe.

"Adrien I'm sorry I-"

"I'll be back tonight" his voice stern, scaring me.

"I'm sorry I-i didn't mea-" I heard the click and then I looked at the phone. He hung up. I gasped.

"He's going to kill me" and it's going to be permanent this time.

Sorry this was a short, short filler chapter but big things next chapter do I'll make it extra long to make everyone happy. Remember


Luv you guys


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