Chapter Thirty

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I had collapsed on the couch,exhausted non the less. I had taken off the blasted ring, setting it on the coffee table. I had curled up into a ball, my eyes beginning to close. I must've been there for five minutes, five sweet minutes until I heard his voice.

"Get up. That's an antique and you smell" he had pushed me off. I fell on my back on the floor, I groaned on impact as he plopped himself down where I had just sat. He snatched the ring from off the table, immediately putting it on his finger.

His face had tightened, his fist clenching. He then let his breathe out, calming himself down. He blinked his eyes open, they were the bright green of he cats. He blinked again, they went back to a more duller green.

"How did you do quickly?"

"Practice. Now go shower, you reek" I got up, suddenly feeling subconscious. I shook my head, I didn't smell that bad.

"Adrien we need to talk" I sat on the coffee table , my hands on either side of me.

"About what? That you need to clean yourself up?"

"Stop avoiding it! God" my shoulders slumped running a hand through my now loose hair as I took it out of the ponytails. "I love you" he stopped, his body seeming to tense again. I gulped back the stinging in my throat. "I chose you over my family, I chose you over everything in my life and-" my voice cracked as I couldn't hold it back anymore.

My body was shaking, my breathe wavering. "-and you repay me by making me do something.. I don't want to do" I wiped away at my eyes, as they begin to sting. I stared down at my hands, unable to look at him. I couldn't move almost, my body wasn't letting me.

"And I-I.."

"You knew what you were getting yourself into. I told you. That night when we stayed up together, where all we did was talk at three am because you had trouble sleeping" I went to talk again but his voice had cut through the air. "I told you. And you didn't listen. Why don't you just listen?"

I remember that night like it was yesterday. He had decided to stay and sleep next to me,god it all so surreal.

It was another nightmare. The same as the last. Then the same as the one before that one. I glanced at him, not knowing he was there. My eyes blinked seeing his face buried next to where I had laid before. I sighed, my fingers tracing to the hair on his face, drawing the pieces back, just running my fingers through his hair.

He began to stir under my hands, groaning himself awake. I had laid back down at this point. He ran a hand over his face, wiping away at his tired eyes. His hand pulled away from his face, his tired eyes stared at me. They blinked a few times until his low, grumbling voice broke the silence.

"Marinette...why are you up so early? What time is it?" He got up to his elbows, the blanket that was draped on his stomach went lower, revealing his torso was bare. He looked over at the clock, mumbling three o'clock under his breath.

"I had another nightmare- about"

"Mari you know what you've gotten yourself into right?" I bit my lip, my face scrunching up. He sighed. "One day I am going to hurt you. I'm going to hurt you not in pain but emotional, mental pain. God...The thought of me doing that brakes me each and every time I think about it. I'm stupid, I'm an asshole that is just how I am"

He stopped taking another deep breath. "I don't want to hurt you, I want you to feel loved, I want to do everything in my power to keep you from danger, danger from the outside world and danger from me. Just remember who I am Marinette. I'm Chat Noir, the biggest asshole out there, no feelings, no chance of feeling love even though I think it's there, I know it isn't"

"I can change you. The Chat Noir I see is someone who helped a girl by whisking her away off her balcony. He taught that girl that the outside world is not as friendly as she thought. She has been taught by the mysterious knight in leather armor, to be tough. To fight fears"

"You can't change a leopards spots, no matter how hard you try, you just can't. I'm gonna do something stupid, I know how this plays out. The guy breaks the fragile girls heart and breaks her forever"

He had laid against the pillow, staring up at the ceiling. "I'm not fragile anymore, you know that right?"

"Just know. Be careful, I don't want to hurt you"

"You won't, promise" he gazed back at me and had motioned for me to come closer. I turned my back to him as he spooned me, getting comfortable. His finger played with my hair till I fell back asleep.

He was crouched Infront of me now, holding both my hands in his. "Why? You know me, what I am, how I live. Why do you do this to yourself?"

"Because I love you! And when you love someone you do stupid shit!" I snapped.

"Can't you see I'm trying to help you from driving you away from me? Why can't you see that?!" He stood up, blazing with anger. I stood up my finger poking at his chest.

"Because you. Dragged. Me. To. Far. Into what we have. Now stop throwing a fit about it!"

"I'm trying to help you"

"No your just mad you don't get what you wa-" 

His hand had already reached the back of my head the other cupping my face. He quickly had kissed me, silencing me. His eyes were shut, mine were wide open of shock. I tried to push him away, I tried. My hands were pushing at his chest. He only brought our mouths closer, pulling on the back of my head.

A groan had come from the back of my throat, my eyes sliding shut.My hands loosened on him, another groan had come from him this time.

He then let go of me, our lips breaking apart from each other. Our foreheads were touching, our breathes mixing. "That's the problem. I already get what I want. And all I'm going to do is ruin it"

That Damn Purrfect  Kidnapper Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora