Chpater Sixteen

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My eyes widen at contact and then I did something that I'm guessing both of us wouldn't see coming, I kissed back. Me. Marinette Duphin-Chang kissing a killer. I don't know why but it felt right. It just did.

We both broke away, breathing heavily and my hand reached up to my lips. He just. My eyes flickered to his lips and then back to his green eyes. He then looked out of my gaze.

"I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that, it's just I got excited I guess, you know your alive and I-" I grabbed him by the collar and put his lips back on mine. Hungrily he took over, my lips trying to match his pace. I felt myself turn, my legs on either side of him. He grabbed me at my hips, pulling me closer to him. His lips started to trail down to my neck, I groaned, he found the sweet spot. I put my hands on his chest and I started to push him away.

"Adrien" He pulled away a look of concern on his face.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"N-no I just don't get it. I-" I swung my leg over and scooted over away from him.

"You didn't like the idea do you" he looked down and frowned. I gathered strength and then grabbed his hand, intertwining our fingers.

"N-no! It's just, my question is why?" He looked up at me and then gulped.

" This week, without you. It was hell. All hell broke loose. I couldn't sleep. I didn't eat. I barely paid attention to my own needs because I wanted to find you. A-and when I did I couldn't let you go again. Marinette you went into a coma and I thought that was the end of you" I stayed silent as my face softened. My hand went up caressing his face.

"Adrien yo-"

"Marinette I'm in love with you. Don't you see? I live for you. The moment you saved my life I knew I couldn't let go. The moment I saw you in that bakery I knew we had some sort of connection. You tried to commit suicide and I felt that prickly feeling of sadness that someone as beautiful and caring as you was willing to take their life away because I'm the idiot who brought you into this. I'm in love with the girl I was hired to kill. But the first night when I knew you had a shard under your pillow, you could've ended it the whole time but you didn't. You didn't Mari and that's why I'm in love with you" I gasped.

Tears were streaming down my face at his rambling session. He meant every word of it. His tumble rubbed away the tears and I leaned into his touch. "Please let me kiss you again"

And I nodded letting him.


I started to get up, making sure I held onto the table. He left about thirty minutes ago to let me rest. I can't just lay here all day though. I grabbed a hoodie, slipping it on and then started to walk. It was only a sting of pain really. I mean I did get stabbed. My legs hurt as well. Probably from the cut wounds that were also there. Slightly limping, I made it out to the hallway. I steadily walked down the hall, hearing water running. He's probably in the shower.

Why does this place look so different?

I walked downstairs and then went into the kitchen. Suddenly I'm starving. I opened the fridge as my stomach grumbled. Great. Nothing. I sighed and then I saw Adrien come down the stairs, a towel wrapped around his waist, hanging a little bit to low. He had another towel and then dried out his hair. He looked up seeing me and it on his shoulders.

"Nice hoodie" he then winked and I blushed red. "Oh and don't eat now, I'm taking you out to eat"

"You are?"

"Yeah and we are eating at the tower" he walked over and then leaned against the counter top.


"Yes princess, we are back in Paris and this is my home" 


"We had to fly you over here so doc can check you out, you panicked at the hospital so I thought I bring you here. My fathers out on a business trip in Hong-Kong so we should be fine. Your okay with that right?" Paris. My home.

"What if someone sees me?"

"No one will see you. Your going to be equipped with a facial scanner that will hide your face to others, other than me of course." I nodded then frowned again.

"I don't have anything to wear though"

"Check the closet of the room you were in, there's some dresses in your size and some heels, hey be ready at about 8 okay?" I nodded and then I saw him walk back up the stairs. Guess I'm going out tonight.

I know I know short. I get it. But I needed this filler chapter to come out


That Damn Purrfect  Kidnapper Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang