The Enchanted Forest

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The only sound that filled the air of the conference room in the NY PD was the sound of the clock ticking away on the wall. Seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into hours as sea green eyes studied the case file of one of New York's most notorious drug rings. They called themselves,

'The Poisoned Apples'

The group itself was now run by a woman named Regina Mills, passed on by her father who had passed in the previous year's, Henry Mills. The gang was infamously known around the country, they had the largest cocaine and marijuana operation in the United States.
The leader herself was a shorter Puerto Rican woman, with perfect tan skin, deep brown eyes, and dark brown hair that was a few inches from her shoulder's. The woman had full lips, a perfectly toned and proportioned body, that was as beautiful as it was deadly.

Green eyes lifted to look across the room and the blonde cop studied the photo of Regina that their surveillance team had captured earlier that week. Unlike Henry, who's cover for the operation was a hotel chain, Regina had opened up a chain of very popular nightclubs that were scattered all over New York. This club in particular was opening right in the heart of Manhattan, the doors open up right at midnight. According to inside sources this is the club that Regina will be spending most nights at, and also according to inside sources, Regina greatly preferred the female gender, and this is the reason that the blonde deputy was studying this case file so hard. Infiltrating Regina's operation, and getting close to her was Emma's first large assignment, and it all started tonight.
The music blared all the way down the street, the bass so deep the sidewalk outside the club vibrated softly, just enough to feel the beat through your body. The blonde cop on this night had forgone the police uniform, and traded it in for the black cocktail dress that currently adorned her toned body. It showed just enough cleavage and leg to hopefully catch Regina's attention but not enough to be looked over as just another skank off the street. She had on black Gucci Ursula cage heels with a small gold buckle on them, the same type of belt that was around her slim waist to accent her curves. Her hair hung in its natural curls, while her makeup was a bit darker than natural and more smokey. The greens and golds brought out her sea green eyes and her lips were covered with a thin layer of lip gloss. All in all, Emma looked very much the part she was trying to play, she looked like an ordinary girl out on a Friday night looking for a good time, she just hoped the bouncer liked her as much as a lot of the guys around her in line had.

As the line moved forward Emma's nerves grew, but while her insides were a jumbled nervous mess her outside held a calm and confident front to fool any person she may meet. Most people who had been in the line had been turned away and it made Emma exceptionally more nervous as she watched him turn away two gorgeous women. Emma watched them walk off, their shoulders slumping dejectedly.
Emma took the final step forward until she was standing in front of a beast of a bouncer, he was not only well over 6 foot, but he was thick with muscle. He looked more like a human version of 'The Hulk' than a regular everyday guy.

"Name?" He asked in a gruff voice and Emma's eyes widened, there was a fucking list?! Emma swallowed thickly and tried to discreetly read the names from the page without much success. "Emma Swan." She said truthfully hoping that maybe he'd let her in even though she knew she wasn't on his list. "There is no Emma Swan on this list doll face, hit the bricks." He said blandly and Emma's heart sank with rejection and disappointment.
"Hey Markus, when Mal and Cru get here tell them their VIP booth is upstairs, their room is the green room." A tall brunette popped her head out to tell the bouncer, her eyes met Emma's and she let her eyes rake over the blonde's form from head to toe and a small smirk played on her lips. Emma on the other hand tried her best to hold the air of confidence around her while she watched the brunette step out walk toward her. "Who are you blondie?" The girl asked.

"Emma." She said back, her voice raised slightly due to the music. The brunette smiled, grabbed the velvet rope and unhooked it, "Well Emma, my name is Ruby, and tonight is your lucky night." She winked gesturing for Emma to enter. The blonde's stomach erupted into excited butterflies and giving the bouncer a triumphant smirk, Emma sauntered past him and into the club. She descent the stairs with ruby not far behind and once on the Bottom floor of the club Emma's eyes nearly bulged from her head. She'd never seen anything like this place before.

There was a giant bar in the middle of the club, with two dance floors on either sides, couches, pool tables, and outer VIP sections in the darkened corners. There was a staircase to their right that lead up to the second floor that was strictly for VIP guests, each room on the above floor was lit up in the colors of the rainbow, so there were 7 VIP rooms in total up there. This place was giant, how was she ever supposed to find Regina in here?

People were always the same no matter where in the world you went, if you watched closely enough, you'd pick up the subtle things people did when their nerves kick in. For instance, a man's eyes become a bit twitchy, their shoulders square up and they seem to puff up like some kind of moronic bird. It's all the testosterone in their bodies, plus the disgusting thing in their pants, they never think with the correct head.

Women, for the most part, didn't have that problem. Their nervous habits were endearing, the nervous laughs, the lip bites, how they run their hands through their hair. And it was for this specific reason that Regina Mills preferred the fairer sex.

Right now the brunette was watching one of these exact scenes going down in her bar. She was currently leaning up against the railing in the red room, a drink in hand, and her gaze was sweeping over the people on the main floor. She was watching a guy trying to charm a pretty redhead at the bar and Regina shook her head. The girl looked anything other than interested, actually quite the opposite, she looked as if she were going to punch the guy any moment and that just added to her amusement. Add on the fact that they guy who was trying to talk to the redhead was none other than Killian Jones, a low life 'pirate' who worked for her... well, sort of, she didn't spend her time fraternizing with, or even hiring, the lowers of her organization, she left Ruby to do that, she knew the woman through and through and she trusted that the taller brunette knew what she was doing.

Though Regina had never met Killian in person, she knew who he was and what he looked like, along with every other person that was within her organization. The door behind Regina opened and closed a few moments later and without turning around she spoke, "Have they arrived?" she asked while Ruby slid up to the railing next to her, "No, not yet... I actually came to tell you I allowed someone inside who wasn't on your list."

Regina turned her head and gave her a curious look, "You did hmm? Who?" she asked while Ruby's eyes searched the club as Regina's had done previous. "That girl right there."
Ruby nodded to the right side of the bar and Regina turned to look back over the crowd, "She's sitting at the end of the bar, long legs, blonde hair, killer body in the black dress." She described to Regina and her brown eyes landed on the blonde and her eyes widened, "Who on earth..." she whispered to no one in particular. "Her name is Emma.' She answered even though she knew what Regina had said wasn't really a question. "Emma... and she's here alone?" Regina asked turning back to the brunette with curious eyes. "Yes, she came in alone." She said glancing back at Emma, "Though, she may not be alone very much longer." She said watching Killian move from the redhead toward Emma.

Regina's eyes returned to the blonde and she watched Killian approach her, "Let's hope she doesn't turn him down, he doesn't take rejection very well." Ruby said as she and Regina watched from the upper floor.

AN: I'm sorry I had to take down a life line because of personal issues so here's a replacement. I hope you all love it. I'm writing it in advance so you all can have updates. I have 5 chapters so far so I'll update probably every Sunday or so.
Leave me comments and tell me what you think!

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