Chapter 15: the truth

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Benjamin's p.o.v

Where is she? shes been out for a week and she hasn't returned my text or calls in days. Im starting to get worried.

"Have you heard of Flora?" i asked impatiently and frustratingly tapping my foot on the floor at the cafeteria with the guys and savanna. "no, she hasn't shown up, you think something something bad happened?" Tyler asked frowning. I tugged on my hair over thinking. "I'm going to her house, i don't care if she hasn't text back, i have to check up on her" i said standing up "but dude, we're in the middle of school" Joshua pointed out "i don't care, I'm worried about my Flower" i walked out of school and onto my motorbike to Flora's house. i nervously walked up to the door and rang the door bell.

In high-speed, Serena opened the door looking at me with wide eyes, her beautiful looks were replaced with black bags under her eyes, pale skin, and messy hair. she looked awful, it looked like hasn't slept in days. "Benjamin!" she gasped "Serena...are you okay?" I asked shocked. she pulled my arm and yanked me in. "what happened?". "Have you seen Flora?! please tell me you have!" she begged. "W-what do you-"."Im sorry Benjamin, Serena, please sit down" Morgan cut me off bringing Serena to the touch. "sit down Ben" he told me, i sat on the couch across from them confused, Serena started crying. Morgan rubbed her back for comfort "please tell me what going on" i begged. Morgan looked at me studying me and sighed.

"I guess its time to tell him" Serena cried "alright sweetie" he sighed preparing himself. i was getting more nervous then ever, what happened with Flora?? "When Flora was 2, she was kidnapped by someone...we haven't seen her in 14 years... then Serena found her crying in a alley, she didn't know it was Flora at the time but after finding out her name, seeing her eyes, hair and that she was sensitive to smoke, we knew she was ours" he explained. this is unbelievable, thats why she never said anything about her childhood "and last week on monday, we discovered her books and floor on the floor everywhere...the window was open and we think she got kidnapped again.." he added. i stood up "what did the police say??" i asked "they are trying their best to find her but there is no luck" he said "what have she been doing all those years?". "that i don't know, she refused to tell us" agh!!! Flora! please stop keeping secrets! "I'm looking for her" i said speed walking to the door "how? this city is too big! you cant find her by yourself! besides, the cops are doing what they can" he stopped me "i have to at least try! i wont give up on her! i have to get her back" he starred at me, " i see" he walked towards me and gave me a piece of paper "if you find her, call me" i nodded and ran out to my bike and drive towards the city. i didn't know where i was going or where would i look, but I'm going to find her one way or another. She only knew her parents for 3 years. the rest was a total mystery, i ran out to the park calling her name repeatingly until i hope she answers back

Flora's p.o.v

I sat in the park next to Anthony, it cant be any awkward having Benjamin's brother right next to me in a foggy misty and empty park. "am i dead?" i asked calmly looking at him leaning back on the bench relaxing. He laughed looking up "no"."then why am i here?"."how long has it been since you seen Ben?". my heart sunk "a-a week" i admit breathlessly. "how you think he feels?"."you don't understand! I'm doing this for him! if i leave again, they'll hurt him just like they hurt you! i'll blame myself! its my fault you and your dad is died! if i helped-"."its not your fault you know" he cut me off "you were just scared"."but i should've been more brave to help you". he shakes his head and stands up "walk with me" we walked through the misty park of New York "theres a lot of things we all should've done, but never do it. my brother should've stayed by moms side but he didn't"."what do you mean?"."i told you that he made a lot of bad choices. like first, became a drunk, doing different girls every night, destroying private property and burning down abandoned houses" oh my god...did he really do all that?! I gasped "he went to jail for 6 months and finally settled down after his friend told him to live his dream for me, thats all i ever wanted. and when he met you, the more you two were together, i feel the happiness you gave him".i cried "but...i lie to him all the time! if he ever found out about you and I, he'll hate me! and i don't want that!"."What makes you think he'll hate you?" I stared at him "i-i-i...". he raised his eyebrows "I'm waiting flower" he smiled. oh great, he's just like Ben "correction, Ben is just like me" he laughed "what the-"."your dreaming princessa, you think i cant hear you?"."i guess...but i don't know, he seems to miss you a lot when i first saw your picture, if he'll find out i let you die, the person he adored the most, he will hate me" i explained. he starred at me blankly and patted my head "I'm not a dog" i pouted. he laughed "i can see why he likes you, your adorable"."am not"." are too"."shutup"."make me"."okay, you and Ben are very annoying" i pointed out glarring "you still love him"."what are you getting at?"."your a real challenge aren't you?" He crossed his arms grinning. is a ghost really flirting with me "I'm not flirting" opps i forgot he could hear me "I'm out" he laughed walking away "wait! your just going to leave me here?" I yelled out "be careful in the future princessa! it wont be a pretty one!" with his last words he disappeared into fog.

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