Chapter 6: Revealed

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Flora's p.o.v

I feel awful...i cried most of the night and got about 3 hours of sleep...fuck this! i got up grumpy and washed my face blushed my hair, got whatever from my dresser and went to the kitchen, nobody was home, i didn't bother making breakfast or my board, i fed Rosa, got my bag and walked to school.

Ding dong! ding dong! I made it on time to school, but i was still in the hallways, so looks like I'm late to class, i don't give a fuck right now, I'm tired. i walked to class and everyone had their eyes on me shocked and confused. i can see Benjamin's eyes shot out of his head, not really...but it would be nice. i sat on my seat and automatically fell asleep. a whole hour passed and i heard the bell rang, i grouched and grumpily got off my desk to my next class. i felt someone poke my shoulder. i swung at who ever did that and got my arm caught, it was Benjamin

"Whoa now Rosa, its just me, or should i even call you that?" he grinned, i was now wide awake and felt my face super red, i looked down at what i was wearing. dark blue skinny jeans, a white blouse with ruffles on the front, a grey cardigan with a hood and the hip hop sneakers my dad gave me. "I-I-I..." i stuttered nervously, why!? why!? now he knows i lied! he knows my real personality! he knows my real style! no!!! he looked at me raising his brows, i ran off to avoid questions. i quickly opened my locker and grabbed the extra clothes and hair band. changed in the restroom and felt a lot better...

I sat in art sighing in relief setting my sketch pad in front of me. the whole class was starring...some were whispering, if only i had my glasses... Tyler took his place on his seat and stared at me leaning on his chair amused. i mugged him "the fuck you want?" i hissed,

"nothing" he raised his hands in defense and laughed "why did you change?" he asked.

"don't worry about me".

"awe come on Flora, why hide your true self?"

"how about you shut the fuck up? don't worry about me!" I snapped. i really didn't want to be mean but people know...people know... this is a nightmare!

"fine, damn..." he and everyone else stopped looking at me.

It became lunch time and i went to the library, i was so hungry, i forgot my money to get anything in the vending machine. i said hi to the librarian, Ms.A, and sat on a table and read my moms book, titled "the broken promise".

I couldn't even focus, my stomach was growling like a bull dog after stealing its bone... someone sat in front of me, but i just looked at my book. A strawberry flavor kit kat bar was thrown across the table hitting my book. i looked up and saw Ben looking at me leaning back on his chair and crossing his arms. my face felt hot. i quickly looked back at my book ignoring the kit kat...although i really wanted it.. "why did you lie?" he asked. i held a tight gripped my book. "your not nerdy, your stylish, really nice, and can keep a conversation, why hide all that?". i kept quiet "please tell me.." he begged, his voice was so silky and mid deep... i couldn't help but reply

"You wouldn't understand..." I said

"then let me understand, come on, theres a party today at Brandy's house, wanna go with me?" he asked. i sighed and gave back the kit kat.

"no, i don't do parties...please just stay away from me..." i walked off grabbing my back pack. i walked to the manga section and looked at a random one. wait... this is backwards?! these characters have such big eyes but they're kinda pretty.

Benjamin's p.o.v (earlier)

I sat in class waiting for the bell to ring. everyone sat on their seats talking to each other. the bell rang. i glanced on Floras empty desk. was she not here again? Guess i cant ask her to the party tonight.

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