Chapter 1: Part 1

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It was a silent night in a New York city alley way. A gang that called themselves the Violets. Seems like a friendly name but they are the most dangerous group of people in New York. where in their Base discussing their next criminal activity.

Nicolas, the 32 year old leader with a full beard, brown eyes, red hair and creepy scar on his left cheek was talking about kidnapping children so their parents will pay to give them back or they'll be killed.

The gang members Fernando, a big 35 year old tough guy that always wore black glasses.

Martin, a 36 year old muscular man with charming honey brown eyes.

Ruben, a 27 year old creepy man with a long Chinese looking beard,he always had a toothpick in his teeth.

George, a 37 year old tall scary man with serious brown eyes and a sinister smile.

Julio, a 27 year old spanish cholo with tattoos all over his neck and arms.

And Josh, a 27 year old friendly looking guy with a black beard that always get misunderstood just by his looks, were all listening carefully to Nicolas and his plan.

"This plan can make us rich for sure" Julio grinned sitting back on his chair

"So are we going to a pre school or are we going to sneak into every house and kidnap the little boogers or what?" Josh asked curiously

"Sneak to every house of course! Don't be a dumb ass!" George yelled. Josh scowled and was ready to throw a punch

"Now now boys, questions are important. Theres no need to fight, lets save that energy for next week when we start this plan" Nicolas laughed dryly. Josh and George backed away from each other stubbornly

"So lets prepare for everything, list the amount of houses that has children in them, maybe even teens" Ruben spoke up

"I have a question" Martin asked. Nicolas listened "this plan has been planned for years and we're barley doing it now?"

"Things take time, understand?" Martin nodded understanding, then looked away "Brilliant" Nicolas grinned.

"Not Brillant!" Flora, a 16 year old girl, yelled out by the door way. "Why would you kidnap innocent children and teenagers! Thats just fucked up!"

"Be quiet Flora, you're part of this gang too! You have no choice to do this!" Nicolas yelled

"I do have a choice! You know what! Im leaving this shitty ass group! Im not helping you and you cant make me!" She glared. Everyone took out a knife from their pockets. Her eyes widened

"Either you help us, or we'll kill you..." Nicolas smirked. She couldn't believe that he, the one that took care of her since she was lost 15 years ago, was going to kill her if she didn't do what he said

"You wouldn't..." Her voice cracked, shocked

"Watch me..." He grinned walking closer. She jolted out the base and into the streets of New york. She bumped to many different people, hoping she lost the gang and the man she could call a father. She stopped in a random narrow alley, hugged her knees sitting down, and started crying

She knew Nicolas since she was 2, but she could hardly remember what happened. He said that she got lost and he took her in her care. He gave her the choice to join his Gang when she turned 10, she said she do anything to make him happy, but she didn't know what a gang was. As years go by, she had fully understood what her "dad" and the guys were doing through out these years. She became tired of the madness and just now had the guts to run off.

She sat there in the dark, cold alley, alone and scared for her life. Midnight had pass and she remained in her usual spot continuing to cry.

"Hello there..." A angel like voice called out to her. She looked up and from what she could see, she saw a beautiful woman with pale skin smile down at her "are you alright?" She asked

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