Chapter 4: Benjamin

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Flora's p.o.v

The bell had already rang and i dashed towards Mr.Boomers class to get my board. after i got it back, i went outside and saw Martin lean against the wall near the stairs. i walked up to him.

"what are you doing here?" I asked crossing my arms. he smiled and looked at me with his charming honey eyes.

"Is that any way to talk to someone who helped you?" he asked mocking my movement.

"sorry..." I placed my arms down guilty. he laughed

"its okay, how you been the past months?"

"fine i guess, i stayed away from others" i admit. he nodded his head understanding "anything about the guys?" i asked. he looked behind me as if someone was there. i turned and saw Ben looking down at us, confused. hope he didn't hear too much...

"I'll look for you tomorrow, I'll inform you with anything you want to ask" Martin walked away. i walked to where the street began and got on my board.

"wait!" Ben called. i looked at him. "what were you two talking about? who was that?" he asked.

"its none of your business" and that was true. good thing Martin saw him before we talked more about the gang.

"you're right..." he scratched his head awkwardly. "Want a ride?" he smirked

"I got a board" i informed showing him my board with a Paris print on the bottom.

"i see that, your last name matches your board. like your name to your shirt" he laughed. i rolled my eyes while getting on my board. i felt him grab my wrist.

"Come on...let me give you a ride" he smiled instead of a smirk or grin. my face felt a little warm. i snatched my arm away.

"i said no" i skated away.

Benjamin's P.o.v

I walked towards my English 3 class with a teacher named Mrs.Martinez. i had went through recording eq, studio managenent, algebra 2, physics, Music 101, and now going to my last class before early release. yes! freedom before the bell rings!

I saw Tyler sitting on his seat playing with a pencil between his lips and nose. I took the empty desk right next to him "sup man" i greeted, putting my backpack on my desk. he looked at me with a raised eye brow amused

"dude, you should know thats Flora's seat" he laughed. so this is Floras seat, this could get interesting

"really? this could get interesting" i repeated my thoughts. He rolled his eyes again leaning back on his chair.

"You're in my seat" i heard Flora say. i looked at her and was completely surprised. the eye that was visible was a silver-blue color. it was... just wow. my heart hurt for a second for some reason "you have pretty eyes" i grinned. she didn't seem to like my comment.

"I said you're in my seat" she reminded with annoyance in her voice

"so?" i laughed wanting to mess with her.

"so get off"

"Why don't you make me, flower?" i smirked. Everyone was starring at us, i didn't care but Flora seem to.

"screw you" she hissed as she walked towards another desk. my jaw dropped in a smile.

"That girl does not act like a nerd at all" i laughed to Tyler,

"dude, you so like her" he laughed

"yeah right, i wont be caught dead going out with her, shes a nerd"

Runaway Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora