Chapter Four: Leaving For a while

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Your POV. 

The carriage stops as I heard a bells from boats or ships and cries of children along with their farewells.

Guards surround us as I step outside, Bf/n lend his arms on me which I was gratefully take.

" You go first " He said and bowed slightly at me, I laugh and step forward in the stairs; leading on the Ship.

We entered and I saw how fancy it was, the gold where shinning everywhere inside, the floor where carpeted on red.

' Isn't it too much? ' I wanted to tell him this but I contain my self to.

A sudden pang of pain run on my head, I held my forehead and lean on him for support. I started to feel lightheaded, dizzy from something I don't know.

" Are you alright? " He asked with a frown and his voice full if worries.

" I'm fine " I mange to say, even though the sting of the pain was still there.

" You'll need to rest, maybe you should get used to ships from now on " He joked, but I didn't smile, something was really off, the odd feeling when we leave was still here on me.

We reached the bedroom with elegant designs, but I saw someone across the hallway, someone's standing, staring at us.

But I brush off the feeling when we already was inside the room, he closed the door and assist me to bed.

" Can we- can we just go back? " I asked for him. The pleading on my face was there but I tried to hide it on my voice.

" Sweetheart, you need to rest, you look pale when we left but your paler now, are you sure your alright? " He said.

' Alright? do I look like alright to you Bf/n? You just said I gotten paler! I asked to go home, but noooooo. ' I thought and rolled my eyes at him.

I scold my self for the sudden change of my mood.

" Would you like have anything you needed before we leave? " He asked while his palm was on my forehead. The softness and caring on his voice make me feel sleepy, his voice was suddenly just like a lullaby to me. Even thought he was just normally ask it.

" Your right, maybe I just need a rest " I mumble softly and tugged at his coat softly.

" Sleep with me? " I asked him.

He shakes his head; No.

" I'm sorry my queen, I still have some preparations to do, I'll be right here when you wake up "

I'm no longer able to response as I nod and close my eyes, falling on my deep slumber.

Third Person's POV

The crown Prince Bf/n soon leave the room, sighing for his lover's condition.

" Mister " He called someone.

" Yes, sire? " He asked.

" Do you have a medicine, and a doctor perhaps? " He ask.

" Of course sire, wait a moment " Replied the man and leave after he bowed.

The Prince take a sit and wait for a while.

- Meanwhile in your room -

The man who was staring at the both of you before was now starring at your sleeping form. The frown on his face was there, his breath was heavy, his hands were form into fists. He can't believe you were leaving your castle; your kingdom just to come with Bf/n. His eyes darken lots of cruel things run through his mind. But when he look at your calm form, he instantly calm. Oh how much he wanted to lie besides you, to hold you and says how dear you are to him.

But of course, he need to buy time, he'll let him have you for a while, after all, you were his. Before your man came in the picture, a pretty picture that he'll torn apart for you and only him to be with it.

He'll make sure of it.

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