Chapter Six: Ball night

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Your POV. 

  We've finally reach the palace. The Royal carriage was infront of us. The people were bowing there head in respect.

   I already smell the scent of the celebration they've been preparing while we're traveling.

The Night Falls quickly, and the joyful sounds, beating drums and different harmony and different voices, singing in happiness and in continent were heard. 

I hold onto my silk cloak tightly, the celebration outside the castle was so enjoyable and much more happier than inside the palace. I sigh and made my way through the crowded and noisy path.

I lower my head down, and I bump into a wall- someone perhaps, I quickly hide the dress and my face.

" I'm sorry, I'm not looking at the way " I apologize and move to start to walk again. But I feel a grip on my arm, I didn't think enough and look directly at his eyes, a man with hypnotic black eyes, it was so pure, I gave a frown look and jerked my arms away, I smile gentle and bow my head a little. And mutter a sorry.

I ran fast and enter the side castle gate where I sneak outside, not all parts of the castle were guarded, I mean it's to huge to be guard in the same time, I waited for the guards to pass, and I enter the small door that connected into the garden and kitchen, which was near at the stairs, there's no more people inside the kitchen, busy preparing the table, I guess.

" Ehem- ehem! " Said a harsh scolding tone. I rolled my eyes playfully and face the source of the voice.

" What? " I asked the cook.

" Y/n, You see those twelve guards around right? " He- I mean she, no he- no it's she?

" Ye- ehem- Yes, yes, I do! " I say in formal manner.

" You know what it means? " She-He asked again and I rolled my eyes.

" Yeah- yeah! That's why I'm here, they're finding me! " I said and take off my cloak, She. Helped me to make my gown to be round again and to make it look decent.

" Now, go that stairs and run to the other side! They already called your name! " She said in a mocking tone.

I ran through the uncountable steps and slow down, when the light hit my face, I stop and gracefully swing my arms, hold my gown and bow and smile. Done.

I heard clappings, and greetings, all I do is smile and say ' Thank you  '. Bf/n smile was force towards me. He offer his arm and I take a hold on it.

" Where have you've been? " He asked through his smiling face.

" Nowhere! We talked after this, ok? " I asked normally and smiling,

The party went all fine, after all. Now were in the terrace.

" You're late, how come? where did you go? what did you do? " He asked. And I rolled my eyes at him .

" Jeez, you know that the party outside the castle was so enjoyable and it ends when the party inside the palace ends too, right? " I said. He deep sigh and comb his hair.

" I know that! Well, what if someone see you? huh? What if your lost? " He said.

" Bf/n call down will ya! I've been here lots of times! I'll never be lost again, besides I can defend my self! " I try to argue back. This is what I hate about when I secretly go outside. He get a little bit too protective.

" I know, I'm sorry, you're still a women Y/n, you're still weaker compare to a man, please just inform me next time, I don't want them to be thinking I'll marry someone who can't even get in time in their own- " I cutted him off.

" Shush! Alright! Alright! Can we rest already? I'm still tired from all those running! " I said. And then I suddenly the man who I'd bumped into. His eyes were so fixed on mine, like he want to say something.

" Hey, somethings wrong? " Bf/n asked.

" Not at all, let's go? " He only nodded in reply, not satisfied in my answer.

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