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Quinn POV

Sadly school has started, and it's been two weeks since we've been back.

Harry and I hung out on New Years Eve, which was nice. Zayn had a small party, and Harry wanted me to go with him.

There were some college kids, since Zayn is friends with a lot of them. Then there was Destiny. She talked to Harry for a while. What about? I'm not sure, I didn't ask.

During that part of my night, I spent it on my phone playing draw something with Joy, who was sick, or playing candy crush.

Speaking of Joy, we're hanging out tonight. She invited me out to dinner, and I'm excited to spend one-on-one time with her.

I close my locker and turn around and see Harry speaking to Destiny down the hall. He's leaning against a locker besides her's and small grins are on both of their mouths. His green eyes are staring at her intensely, and the same look is given back to him by her.

I roll my eye to myself, and let out a deep breath.

Joy walks over to me and gives me a gentle grin. "Good morning." My "friend" chirps.

"Morning." I say with a gentle smile.

"Uh," She pauses. "There is a rumour going around school that your parents are getting a divorce." Her words make my heart pinch. I kind of forgot for a while about that.

Who knows about it besides Harry?

"Who has been saying that?" I ask. The palms of my hands begin to sweat.

Our conversation goes on pause when Kay walks up to us. A smirk is on her mouth. "Hey ladies." Her voice sounds happy.

"Hi." Joy greets her friends. Her eyes look to me and I stand up straighter.

Just looking at Kay gets me annoyed.

"Hey, I'm sorry about your parents." Kay says to me.

"Hm," I say. I'm not sure if I am allowed to confirm it or not considering the status of my Dad.

"Don't worry, I know because your Mom told my Dad." Kay says in a fake whisper.

"What?" I ask with furrowed eyebrows.

"Yeah. They're seeing each other," She tells me with glistening eyes. My stomach twists by her words and I actually feel like throwing up. "Don't look too sick Quinn. You need to save that throw up for after your lunch."

Joy widens her eyes by Kay's remark and my face heats out of embarrassment. My eyes throb slightly by her words and I clear my throat.

I don't say anything rude back or acknowledge the pain her words brought me. I just turn around, rolling my eyes, and walk away.

I head down the hall, passing Harry and ignoring his confused look on his face while I brush him off.

"What was that?" My boyfriend asks as he walks beside me. He tugs at my hand, indicating he wants me to slow down.

"I'm just annoyed right now." I tell him.

"What did she say?" Harry asks me. I've stopped walking when I can't see her face anymore.

"Things I don't want to say in public." My voice is hinting, which makes his head tilt and eyes sadden.

Now knowing that my mom is seeing her dad is still lingering through my mind, making me feel grossed out and disturbed.

"Don't listen to her, okay? You need to learn how to make what she says not get to you. That's why she likes bringing it up, because it gets a rise out of you." Harry tells me while holding my hand.

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