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Quinn POV

"Oh," I say to my Father who's reading the paper at the island. His eyebrows are knotted at the words he's reading and he looks semi tired. "You're home early." I say.

He wasn't supposed to be home till the weekend.

"Yeah, I got tired of New York," He huffs. His fingers itch his eyes and lets out a sigh. "How are you doing? Good?" His eyes look to me and he places his glasses on the counter. 

Why is he asking how I'm doing?

"Y-Yeah, I'm good. You?" I ask.

My mind goes to Harry who is upstairs. Last time I had a boy sleep over and not tell my parents, I was grounded for a week. I can only imagine what would happen this time around. My parents were furious, even though the boy that slept over was gay. 

"I'm okay," He lets out a sigh. "I have a meeting in twenty minutes that I should probably leave for. But, I was thinking that tonight we should go out to dinner." 

"Oh, is Faith coming home?" I ask. I swear if she is, I'll shoot myself. School starts soon and I don't need her up my ass. 

"No," My Dad stands. "But she has told me she's worried about you, so, is everything okay?" My eyebrows furrow at his words.

"Why wouldn't I be okay?" I ask. 

"I don't know. She said something about a boy," He hints. "Are you seeing anyone?" My Father asks me. 

"I'm going out with someone, yes. But he isn't someone who you should worry about." I tell him.

"Okay well," He starts fixing his tie. "Make sure this boy comes after your schooling, yes? We want you to get into a good school. Richard was always supportive of you schooling, so make sure this one is, yes?" 

"Yep," The mention of my ex makes my blood boil.

"When do we get to meet him?" My Dad asks. 

"Uh," I pause. "When we're, officially dating and such." I come up with. 

"Great." His eyes meet mine and he smiles warmly. "Have a good day," He kisses my cheek before leaving the house. 

What the hell just happened?

I turn around and run my fingers through my hair. I soon see Harry enter the kitchen. His eyebrows are knotted and his eyes look around. "Was your Mom or Dad just here?" 

"My Dad was," I say. His green eyes meet mine and they widen a bit. "But, he's gone to a meeting, don't worry." 

"I should go. He can come back and-" I cut off Harry.

"No, stay," I say. "His meetings are always so long, don't worry about him coming back. And if he does, so what? We're just having breakfast." 

"Your family hates me, Quinn." Harry brings up. I bite my lip by his words.

"Your family hates me too," I say. "But we like each other so it doesn't matter," I lean up and kiss his cheek. "Now, sit down and I'll make food." 

Harry stares at me and I narrow my eyes back playfully. He leans down and pecks my lips, which makes me smile. "My family doesn't hate you by the way." 

NeighborsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora