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     Is the first thing I feel when I open my eyes. Darkness, is the first thing I see once I open my eyes. Metallic and bleach is the first thing I smell. Murmuring is the first thing I hear when I opened my eyes. Where the hell am I now? I tried sitting up but a force is keeping me down. I tried moving my arms and legs but they are also pinned down. What the fuck? This is pathetic. I teleported five feet away from where I was laying down at. I move around the rooms wall till I feel a light switch. Or at least I think thats what it is. I flicked it on and instantly im greeted by bright lights. My eyes immediately adjusts to the light.

     A mettle table with arms and legs restraints are set in the middle of the room. My guess is that I was laying on that. A counter with a few cabinets above it are in the right corner. The counter has a sink with a bunch of medical stuff around it. In the far left is a door that says restroom.

    Ok so im in like a nurses office type thing? I walked into the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. All the blood was gone from my face. My e/c eyes are bloodshot. My h/c hair is a mess. A bandage is wrapped around my head. I look down. Great. Im wearing a white knee length dress. Where the fuck are my cloths?

     My whole body is cleaned from blood and my arms and legs are covered in bandages from cuts I had before. Great. I walk out of the bathroom and open the front door of the room and enter a hall. Two boys with masks,  stare at me.

    "What?" I asked, clear irritation is shown in my voice. "Do you want to meet him, Or are you gonna get into another fight?" The boy in the white girly mask asks. "Depends? Are you gonna take me to see him? Or am I gonna just have to force myself to him?" I rolled my eyes. He chuckled a bit before walking away with the other boy at his tail.

   I follow the two dudes to the living room. The dude with the smile is now on the caoch with another boy with a blue mask. Slenderman is talking to the two boys with the screaming girl in a pink dress in his arms. "Oh...your up" slenderman said looking at me. The two boys on the cauch turn around to stare at me too.

    "No dure, captain obvious" I mocked. The boy with the smile laughs as slenderman sighd. "You dont have to be sarcastic" the girl piped up. "And you dont have to act like a baby" I muttered. The girl gasped before turning to shove her face into slenderman's chest and hugging him tightly. "Slendy, shes hurting my feelings" she whined.

    "Thats enough. Sally why dont you go and play with lazari?" He set her down gently as he pated her on  the head. She smiled up at him before giggling and running off.

    "I do know who you are" he started. I raised a eye brow at him. What'd he do, Take a blood test?  "Sort of along those lines, yes" he said. "You can read minds?" I asked. Slenderman nodded before continuing. "You are my child, yes. But you need to know my intentions was not to hurt you in the least" I rolled my eyes.

   "Your intentions was not to hurt me? Well do you want to know my intentions are right now? Its to kill you" I said feeling my hands grow into claws. "You cant" he said simply. "Even if you think you succeeded, you didn't"

     "Wait so she is your daughter?" The boy with the smile asked. I rolled my eyes at him "no, you dunm fuck im his mother. For fucks sake weren't you listening?" I said with full on sarcasm. "Was I asking you, orphan?" He smirked.

    "Dont use words you dont understand" I said before slapping him upside the head. "Cunt" he muttered. "Dick" I said back. Slenderman cleard his throat obnoxiously. I sighd before looking at him. "What?" I ask. "You are welcome to stay here, but just know its only temporary. That is till your wounds fully healed up" he said.

    "Wow you really dont want your real daughter here. I cant believe you ditch me only to pick up some other girl? Some other fucking five kids! Am I that big of a mistake to you!" I yelled at him trying to hold back angry tears.    "Its not th-"

    "Forget it" I interupted. "Im just gonna leave. I came here to kill you, but I cant even do that. There is no use in me sticking around a family that doesn't even want me to be here. I hope you burn in hell you fucked up bastard" I said before tunring to walk away.

    "Listen. I did not abandon you and forgotten you. I abandoned you cause I needed to protect you. I loved your mother so very much, why would I want to get rid of the one thing that reminds me of her? Please understand I couldnt protect you. I cant protect you..."

   "I dont need some lame excuse! I dont know you, or her, or any of these people! Dont bother saying shit you dont mean when its gonna mean nothing in the future!" I yelled at him. "Im getting out of this danm house just like you want. Just like you wanted from the start"

   "I never wanted that tho-" he started. "Where are my cloths?" I interupted. He sighd. "Jeff will you show her?" Slenderman sighd.


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