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"Where is slenderman?"

I asked in a stern voice. My hands are bawled up in fists as I stare into the boys eyes. One of the little girls scream. I give the girl in the pink dress a death glare for screaming. "I asked you a question" the boy said through his teeth as he pulled out a long silver sharp kitchen knife. "Im not gonna ask again" he glared. The two people who were on the stairs walk over to me and the boy.

"Whats going on?" I hear a deep husky voice say behind me. I turn around to see a tall guy dressed in a black and white suit with a red tie. Long black tentacles move around behind is back. His skin paper white. No facial feature is shown on his face for he has none.

"He or she or whatever it is, is asking for you" the boy scoffed. Slenderman. This is him? Really? How the hell did that work? I have a face. HE DOESN'T! maybe im wrong. Maybe hes not my father. I came all the way here for nothing? No. Im not leaving. Fuck that. I just walked half way around the world.

I screamed as I lunged at him. We both fall onto the porch. I feel my teeth grow sharp. My hands transform to long claws that im so familiar with everytime I kill. I stab my fingers into his chest over and over again. Black substance comes spitting out of his body and onto my cought and face. Something wraps around my waist as Im forcefully lift up off him. I squirm around trying to claw at his face or kick him in the stomach but im to high to reach.

My fingers claw into the black tentacle thats wrapped tightly around me. "Stop that!" His voice boomed making me still. "Who are you!" He angrily yelled in his deep voice as he gets up off the porch. "Let go!" I growled. My white wings come out through my cought along with my black tentacles. He lets go of me in shock. My wings flap against me as I kick him down with both feet to his chest. He stumbles back before catching him self.

A knife is thrown and stabbed into my right wing making me alter to the right before completely falling back onto the porch. I cursed as the sting of the knife repels through my body. The boy with the smile laughs to himself before walking over to me and grabbing my hood.

I turned my body and gave a swift kick behind his knees making him fall to the ground in front of me. "Ha ha" I said as he glared up at me. He kicks me in the stomach making me fall back. He got up and stood infornt of me. "Bitch" he said before shoving his foot down onto my face.

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