Chapter 19 |-| Tara Raeken - Section 1

Start from the beginning

"I'll see you guys later," mum informs kissing my cheek and waving Luke and Theo 'bye,' before she takes walks with Matt to her car.
"I didn't know you were still seventeen," I point out after closing the door and he shrugs "It's just a number, it's not that important," he says.
"Well are you coming?" Luke questions "Because I need a ride to school," he adds swinging his backpack over his shoulder.
I hand him my keys so he can get into the car.
"I'll text you during lunch okay," I inform looking up at Theo and he nods "Don't worry about me too much," he says with a smile and I roll my eyes, pulling him into a kiss before leaving the house and closing the door behind me.

"I have Calculus, so I'll see you later in Spanish," Luke informs as we enter the school building "See you later," I respond before making my way to History, meeting Mason and Corey on the way "Hey guys," I greet with a huge smile on my face.
They greet me back with a hug.
"We heard what happened to Theo yesterday," Mason says "Is he okay?" Corey adds and I nod my head "At least he says he is," I inform with a small shrug.
"What did Tara do to him?" Mason asks "She beat him up with a baseball bat before I got there and then tried to rip his heart out when he was choking her to protect me," I respond "Scott said something like that," Mason informs and I look up "Did he tell you about Brett?" I ask looking up at him for a second before looking back at where I'm going.
"Wait...Brett's alive?" Mason asks, his eyes wide and I nod my head "Oh my God," he exclaims excitedly and Corey looks at him frowning a little at how exited his boyfriend is.
We all know that Mason and Brett were friends, I mean we all were...are his friends, but Mason seems a bit too excited about him being back.
"Sorry," Mason mumbles composing himself as we enter the classroom.

I sit down at our usual table with my tray in front of me and I immediately pull my phone out to text Theo.

Me: Hey, what are you up to?

Theo❤: Scott called Stiles and Lydia over to watch some movies and eat lunch together

Me: That's nice.
How are they treating you?

Theo❤: They're actually being nice to me.
Even Stiles softened up a bit.

Me: That's awesome 😊
How is the movie?

Theo❤: Boring, but at least there's some snacks
I can't wait to see you later.

Me: I can't wait either.
Have fun :*

Theo❤: Thanks
Bye :*

I put my phone back in my pocket and look up, a smile on my face and I see Mason and Corey looking at something behind me. I frown a little, turning around to see where they're looking at "Tara," I exclaim before quickly turning my head around, trying to hide my face as she walks past our table.
"That's Tara?" Mason questions, his voice barely above a whisper and I nod my head "What the hell is she doing here?" I say in a hushed tone before I grab my phone again, still hiding my face with one hand.

Me: Tara's here

Theo❤: What?
At the school?

Me: Yeah, she just entered the cafeteria

Theo❤: What the hell?
Did she see you?

Me: No.
I don't know

Theo❤: We're coming
Get out of there and meet us in the parking lot in about five minutes

I pocket my phone and motion for Mason and Corey to follow me. They do as told and we quickly leave the cafeteria without being too suspicious, managing not to get the attention from everyone.
"Theo told us to meet them outside," I inform as I make my way to the parking lot and just as we leave the building we see a car pull up and Theo stomps out of the car, Stiles soon after, trying to hold Theo back as he comes rushing over, anger in his face.
As Theo's about to storm past me, I hold him back.
"Don't," I say, standing in front of him, blocking the door.
"But..." he mumbles referring to Tara. "No 'but'," I say looking at him sternly "Not here," I add, before pulling him into a kiss to calm him down.
He kisses back before pulling away, a lot calmer now.
"We have to take care of her," Theo informs as we go back to the other three.
"You're not gonna kill your sister are you?" Stiles asks "Not for real this time," he adds and Theo shoots him a glare "She's already dead, genius," he informs cockyly and I intertwine our hands to keep him from doing anything stupid.
"She won't rest until I'm dead and she's the new success," Theo informs a little nicer now "The Dread Doctors are gone how will she do that?" Scott asks looking at him and he shrugs "I don't know," Theo informs before he looks into nothingness, deeply in thought.

"What are you thinking?" Lydia asks as she takes notice of it.
Theo looks at her before turning to me and then proceeding to look at the whole group."Yesterday she had her claws in my chest..." Theo informs "Because she was trying to rip your heart out," I interrupt and he shakes his head making us look at him confused.
"It felt like my life was slipping away from me, my powers and my strength, that's why I couldn't fight her back," Theo stutters, trying to explain it to everyone.
"So she did to you what you did to me, the day were you killed me?" Scott questions and Theo nods and looks at him with guilt in his eyes.
"There you are," we hear someone exclaim and we turn around to see none other than Tara Raeken.

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