
Zen: "Good. Remember Lin I am always here for you when you need it same with your mother and the rest of the RFA." we see the lights dim around us and I look up at dad he looks back at me. "You ready?" I nod and look out on the stage.

"Here I go. See you out there" Dad nods and walks away and I walk out onstage to give my monologue.

---- TIME SKIP ----

The musical is done and I walk outside with my dad to be greeted by compliments. I let dad have his moment with his fans and I walk away to another section of the room. I then am stopped.

???: "Excuse me but you are Lin Ryu right?" I turn around to see a person I have never seen before.

"Oh yes I am" I extended my hand "It is very nice to meet you"

???: "Oh wow" They shake my hand "I just wanted to say that your performance today was amazing! You really are gifted."

"Thank you very much. I worked hard so that my character would be as believable as possible."

???: "It was believable! The song you sang with Zen was my favorite part! You are his son right. Oh if you don't mind me asking." I laugh

"Yes, I am."

???: "You two must have a strong bond."

"Yes, we do. are you a fan of my father as well?" they nod

???: "I have been watching Zens musicals from the beginning and it is amazing how much he has grown. And now that his own son is doing acting as well it is all just so inspiring! Oh i'm sorry I sound like a nerd huh"

"No no not at all" Zen walks over and notices the person I am talking to.

Zen: "Oh Lin it looks like you have a fan"

Abby: "Oh I completely forgot to introduce myself. My name is Abby." Zen smiled

Zen: "She was one of my very first fans along with Ricka. I always see her at my performances."

Abby: "I can't help myself you are so inspiring and so good at what you do!" Abby looks at me "Lin has a talent Zen! He truly is amazing!"

Zen: "I know" I blush a little from embarrassment. Then I hear some familiar voices and turn around.

Abby: "Oh you probably want to say hi to your friends. I won't take up any more of your time. It was a pleasure meeting you Lin!" Abby walks away and Jaehee comes over excited.

Jaehee: "Zen! Lin! that was amazing!"

Zen: "Thanks, Jaehee"

Seven: "LIN!! YOU WHERE AMAZING!! I would argue better than Zen"

"No no I am not that good."

Seven: "But the song you two did together was fantastic! I am not typically into music like that but damn that was crazy!" I laugh

"You really thought I was that good!?"

Jaehee: "You have a gift Lin! And it is a vary amazing one at that!" I blush a little from embarrassment and thank jaehee. I then feel a thrust from behind me.

MC: "AHHH LIN I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!!!" I twist myself around to see mom crying from pride. I also see the rest of the RFA members.

"Thanks mom"

Jumin: "You really where fantastic Lin. I know you are hearing this a lot but you know I would only speak the truth." Mom let's me go and wipes her face.

"Thank you everyone. I knew you where all going to be there for me but I did not know you would get so emotional."

Yoosung: "How could we not! The character you portrayed was..... well IT WAS JUST AMAZING!!" Everyone was so happy and proud of me. And I couldn't help but smile. Dad hugs me.

Zen: "I hope you know how much all of us love you"

"Of corse I know how much you love me. I hope you know how much I love you guys!" I can hear dad smile "Dad?"

Zen: "What did I do to deserve such a amazing son." He stands up and I see he is crying a little. "I promise this is not from sadness but from happiness and pride" he wipes his tears away.

"You are so dramatic dad" I make a silly face.

Seven: "OH! Why don't we go out to celebrate Lin's first performance!"

Yoosung: "Yea!" Mom smiled and looked at Zen.

MC: "sounds good to me."

Zen: "Me too. Just let me and Lin get out of costume then we will meet you outside." Everyone leaves and me and dad head to the changing rooms. After we change we go to the front and Jumin insists on taking us to a lovely place to eat. Dad was not sure at first but gave up after a while of debate. I spend the rest of the day with the RFA and with the people I love. I could not ask for a better life.

Zen x MC's Pregnant storyWhere stories live. Discover now