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I sat on the bed reading the bedside table lamp was on as Charlie walked into the room

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I sat on the bed reading the bedside table lamp was on as Charlie walked into the room . he closed the door behind him. I looked at the window and realized it was dark out .

"Why was she out so late?" I asked looking to Charlie as he started changing into his Pj's . He had been down stairs waiting for Bella to get home from school .

"She went to the movies with Jessica ." He said  as he pulled his plaid Pj pants .

"Oh ."He looked a bit upset ." what's wrong?"

He sighed as he walked to the bed and sat on his side of the bed that was nearest the door .

"It's nothing you don't already know , I feel like I'm failing her ."

My heart sank that he felt this way .

"Charlie . . . " I set my book on the bed as I kneeled in front of him .  " Of course your not failing her . You are doing the best you can for her . "

He nodded as you kissed his shoulder from behind his as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders .

"Tonight when she got back she looked as if she saw something that shocked her. It's the most emotion I have seen  on her face  in months . " He explained as leaned into his back . 

"We can't really know everything that is going through her mind. my father as a child gave me plenty of space and when I was sad he usually let me work through it unless I came to him . " I traced patterns on his chest as I spoke . "she is a very independent person and if she truly needed help she would come to either me or you . You just have to trust her Charlie . "

He turned and kissed my cheek . "I know  , I just want her to be happy . I can't stand seeing her like that it make me feel so useless . I keep wondering  if she would have been better off with her mother . "

" Shh , it will be okay she will come around love . Her heart is broken and she has to find a way to heal it . ."

He turned and our lips connected  in a small love filled kiss . We both laid down after I turned the light off. I cuddled into him my head on his chest and my leg over his leg .

" I love you ." He whispered. " I am glad I have you here to talk me through this .

"I'm happy to have you to Charlie .  I love you  and I don't think I could live without you now that I have found you. " I said working up my emotions .

skip -

Bella has continued with her screaming in the night from her nightmares but we have stopped getting up to check her being she doesn't want us to . wish I understand this is something she has to go through .

I know how she feels from the embarrassment when the family had first left is when my flash back from when I first died and my life with my creator . Charlie has done his best but there is only so much he can do . so have gotten used to smiling and trying to be okay for him . but atleast I am not as bad as I used to be .  

I drove to the  treaty line to give  Sam Uley the Vervain I had promised that they would start wearing and or putting in their drinks .

 I pulled the car over and got out of my vehicle while I waited for Sam who was in his wolf form he trotted over the line as I bent an d set the card board box down .

" Thank you for this . for my race of well leeches as you call them Charlie is what an imprint is to you . I would die for him and he knows this he knows I would rather ingest this entire box of Vervain than harm him . " I sighed . " and when I - when the Cullens abandoned me with out a goodbye . I have never felt weaker I have way more weaknesses than the Cullens  do I fear the smallest thing would happen and I would lose Charlie forever if he died . " I choked up a bit .

 " thank you . " I whispered before turning around not missing the furrowed confused look Sam gave me . "


 I stood at the stove  as Bella walked in to the house   .

"Hey ." she whispered .

"Hey Bella welcome home how was your day . " I smiled brightly as I spoke  looking to her .

"How are you okay cora ."said accusingly. " do even miss them ?" She demanded . I looked down sadly before turning in to her .

"Of course I do Bella but I can't just give up I have lived for so long alone beaten broken and abandon . It would be unfair to Charlie and I now that we have finally found each other to just not even try. because someone I thought I could trust left .  " Bella looked down upset she had snapped at me . " I understand how your feeling Bella I'm not gonna try to force you out anymore but when you need someone to hold you while you cry I'll will always be here and I promise you I would rather die than leave Your father and you . you two are my family now . "

Bella looked close tears as she launched into me we were holding  on to each other when I saw Charlie  looking at us concerned as he heard Bella sniffling into my shoulder . I finally felt like I had made progress with her . anything after would be up to her as this was her life and not mine .

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