Lost families

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    I sat at the table bella had left adn charlie was silent for a little bit . i sighed lifting my head up and looked to the man I loved.

"They reminded me of my birth parents." I whispered .

He looked to me and sighed . "Carlisle and Esme?" He asked .

"Yes they both had same Idea's in life both so caring and giving as well as loving ."

He nodded "tell me about them ."

" My mother was a perfect preachers wife . She followed all standards that were set for her by the church and the public but she didn't do it just because she had to like other wives had she did it because she loved it and loved my father . She would do anything for him . Growing up I had wished to find love like she did . " I leaned on my elbow and looked to the table . "My father was very laid back for his job not at all uptight , He used to enjoy the silly things I did and laughed when mother would chase me as she ranted about propriety how  my dress was to dirty or how I didn't wear my hair up, Or how I read to much for a girl ." I laughed . "And if anyone need proof as to how much my parents loved each other they just need to count the heads of their children to know how they spent their free time." This made Charlie laugh as He full well remembered the number of siblings I had .

"Watching them  all mourn me was the most painful thing I had ever gone through in my life . " I sighed ."I was foolish and naïve walking in dawn not able to sleep . back than everyone trusted everyone in the sense they didn't expect to be killed ." I flinched . "Philip hand turned his feelings off years before he met me . he was lonely so out of boredom he fed me than snapped my neck ." I sniffed not daring to look at Charlie .

"He made me stay in the back ground and listen and watch as my parents searched for me not knowing what had happened to there only daughter . you have no Idea how often I wished to have just gone back to bed and not wondered the night like an idiot ." I looked to Charlie now his showed how much pain he felt as he was  thinking of what I went through.

"My father went in to a depression and never really had I understood my mothers words fully when she said I was the light of my fathers life until I left and took it with me . " A tear fell . " After my mother passed of  from illness my father took his life leaving my older brothers in charge of the elder . " He gasped at the news of this .

"Sometime I wonder if heaven Is real , The bible from what  I was told growing up wouldn't take him if it does . But If any place wouldn't take a man as great as my father can't exist . ."

"Traveling with Philip as he was . well it was difficult to say the less was painful ." I sighed at the memory of his beatings . " He um well think you know what horrible men can do to  a woman Charlie . "

"Oh Cora ." He spoke sounding in pain .

"It's fine Charlie it was so many years ago , it's just the loss of Carlisle and Esme have brought back so many painful memories it's hard to handle .I don't want  Bella to live her life like that she . . . .That's just not living waiting for him to come back to her when it is so unlikely that he will that any of them will . " He nodded knowing he didn't want to become bitter over it .  " She is to young to be going through such pain ."

Charlie chuckled. "It s funny to hear you say that . "

"In my time Charlie I was suppose to be married and suppose to have a child already , so do not laugh ."

He smiled . "I know it's just you talk like your older but look so much younger ."

I kiss his lips . "MMMhmm."

"I think we can think of something to do to busy ourselves before Bella gets home . "I hinted as I sat on the table in front of him .

"Oh really ." he chuckled .

"unless you don'- " He claimed my lip quickly ending the sentence before I could finish not that I cared .

A/N : Vote and tell me if there should be smut next chapter or not .

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