Charlie's ultimatum

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I sat at the table with Bella as Charlie stomped in to the room and sat at the table before speaking

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I sat at the table with Bella as Charlie stomped in to the room and sat at the table before speaking . "That's it Bella !I am sending home." He said staying strong for I knew he didn't want to have to send her away this was the most time he had spent with his daughter in all her life in one length he didn't want it to end .

We both had agreed it felt like she was waiting for them to return for her but I knew they wouldn't be returning while she was human .I knew that one day after I changed Charlie she would ask I would leave my answer up to Charlie when the time came .

" I am home ." She said matter o factly .

"I'm sending you to Renee , to Jacksonville ." He clarified though Bella most likely knew what he meant the first time she had spoken .

"What did I do?" She asked her face crumpling maybe she hadn't grasped what he had said right away .

" Nothing that's the problem you do nothing ." He said exasperated by her .

"You want me to get into trouble?" She looked confused in her own right usually fathers prayed for well behaved children .

"Getting in trouble would be better than this . . Moping around."

"Moping around?" She asked .

"Wrong word , even that would be doing something . . your, your lifeless . yes that's the word I want . Lifeless ." He said to her now .

I could see the hurt in her eyes at the word but it was true . " I'm sorry dad ." She said but it was a dull apology by any means as her tone even sound dull .

" I don't want you apology Bella ."

"Than what do you want from me ?" She asked him now .

"Bella ." He hesitated before I grabbed his hand and squeezed it in assurance . " Honey  , You're not the first to go through this kind of thing you know ."

She grimace limply as she spoke . "I know ."

"Listen , honey I think that --- that maybe you need some help ." he said soothing .

Charlie paused looked to me than look down before he spoke. "When your mother left with you Bella ." He frowned . "Well that was a really bad time for me . "

 "I know dad ." She whispered .

"But I handled it ." He pointed out . "Honey , you're not handling it . I waited . I hoped it would get better ."She looked down .

"I think we all know it's not getting better ."

"I'm fine ." She tried to defend .

"Maybe if you talked to someone about it ."

"You want me to see a shrink ." Her opinion of the idea written on her face .

"Maybe it would help ."

"And maybe it wouldn't help one little bit." I knew where she was coming from being Edward had been a vampire and wouldn't be allowed to speak of it and that had been part of the pain she was going through they were mates in a sense of the word .

"It's beyond me Bella . Maybe your mother- "

"Look ." She spoke now In a flat tone interrupting her father. Times had changed for sure in my time if we interrupted my father was punished . though my father always looked at my interruptions as fiery entertainment . mother had scene them as ghastly and very unlady like to have been doing,  . "I'll go out tonight , if you want I'll call Jess or Angela ."

"That's not what I want ." He argued frustrated . "I don't think I can live through seeing you try harder. I've never seen anyone try hard . It hurts to watch."

" I don't understand , dad . First you're mad because I'm not doing anything and then you say you don't want me to go out ." She spoke while looking to the table .

"I want you to be happy - no not even that much I want you to be miserable . I think you'll have a better chance if you get out of forks ."

"I'm not leaving ." That's when I recognized the spark in her eyes she was waiting for him to return to come back .

"Why not ."

"I'm in my last semester of school - It would screw everything up ."

"Your a good student -- you'll figure it out .

"I don't want to crowd mom and phil." She made another excuse up.

"Your mothers been dying to have you back ."

" Florida's too hot ."

I slapped a hand on the table now as I stood . " I think we all know why you really don't want to leave forks Bella . "I sighed and sat ." I know it hurts , I really do . But they are not coming back ." A tear slipped . "You have no Idea how I wished they would but it just isn't going to happen ." I choked out as I sniffed .

" I'm not waiting for anything , I don't expect anything ." She said in a monotone voice .

"Bella - " Charlie started as he rubbed my shoulder to calm me .

"I'm going to school ." She stood I laid my head on the table nit hearing what she said before the door slammed .

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