Handling it

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              It has been a couple weeks since my family left Forks leaving me here making it October 

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              It has been a couple weeks since my family left Forks leaving me here making it October . when they first disappeared i had been a lot like bella is now still. Zombie like lacking any real human emotion . I was on the precipice of flipping my switch and feeling nothing but charlie had come home one night and made me realize what huge mistake that would be .

Flashback -

 I laid on my bed staring at the ceiling which is what I had made a habit of late

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 I laid on my bed staring at the ceiling which is what I had made a habit of late . I was contemplating the thought of just switching it off and ending the agony I was feeling from my coven leaving me behind.   I heard the bedroom door open smelled charlie enter the room and sigh when he saw me . He walked over to the bed and kneel by my side of the bed making me look to him .

"You have to come back to me Cora ." He leaned his head on my arm i could feel a tears fall on my skin making me feel guilty . "I wish i could bring your family back but I can't . I will do my best to make my self your family . I want you to start giving me your blood so that if something happens or when I decide I want to be with you forever  we can begin our lives together ."

I gasped at his request . " Charlie ?"

He looked up at me . "I am sure , you're everything to me I can't live without you and  It made me realize I wasn't going to make you live without me . " i sat up and looked into his eyes that were almost identical to Bella's realizing how selfish I was being lying around the house like I was dying .

"I'm so sorry for being so selfish charlie ." I sniffled hugging him into me .

He wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me close to him as if he hadn't really held me since the night they left . The though i had hurt my mate made my heart clench in sadness promising myself to be more thoughtful of him in the future .

"Are still sure you want this Charlie , we would have to do this at least once a day ." He was silent for a moment than nodded before kissing me . I kissed him and than pulled back and bit into my wrist and held it out for him . When he hesitantly latched onto my wrist I let a small moan slip from my lips as his tongue swiped across the still open bite . 

He pulled back  when it closed having enjoyed it more than he thought he would he pulled me into a passionate kiss his tongue dominating mine .

Flashback end .

Now i stood here it was near the end of november I have a meeting with Billy black , Sam Uley , and Harry Clearwater . Sam was in wolf form his huge form standing between the two older men their vehicle parked less than ten feet away .

" Hello gentleman ." I said to them politely as I stood a foot away from the invisible line that sperated la push land and where I was allowed to wonder .

Sam snuffed an answer while Harry spoke . " What is it you wanted to speak about ."

"Well as you all know my family are gone now and I am currently the only Cullen left in forks ."

Billy nodded with a glare unhappy I am still here . "Why are you still here he asked gruffly."

I sighed . "Well something you don't know is that I am not the same as the Cullen's are . " The men looked confused .

"What do you mean ?" Harry asked in confusion .

"I am a different species of Vampire ." I stated to them trying to wrangle in my nerves a little afraid for insults even though i know that they won't trust me in general no matter what I say . "My species is closer to the fairytale version , I can burn in the sun , I can't turn a human with my bite alone You'd have to ingest my blood to be changed . ."

"Blood?" Mr.Black asked even more confused by my words .

I reached into my purse and pulled out a pocket knife I brought specifically for this ."Yes Blood , Another thing that different about my kind ." I ran the blade across my hand hissing from the sting . My blood dripped down my hand I stood there blood falling onto the road both men gasped in shock . " Another difference when I did feed from the vein -" Sam Growled . "Which I haven't fed from the vein around 200 years thank you  . My species doesn't have to kill to feed because our  bite isn't venomous ."

"Is that all you wanted to discuss in this meeting ?" billy asked .

"No since I am the only vampire here I can't protect any of the a a human's on our side very well with my species age makes you stronger If someone older were to show up and start wreaking havoc I wouldn't be able to defend them I mean I would try but I would be easily over powered and I would be leaving my mate defenseless. "

"Mate , I thought you said there weren't any vampires here ."

"My mate is human , my species has mates very similar to your pack ."

I saw the connection in Billy and Harry's eyes suddenly ." Charlie." Mr.Black whispered .

"Yes , I found my mate in Charlie Swan ." I heard a growl . "I have not informed him of the pack on  the reservation nor of the Cold ones I feel that is your decisions . "

Harry and Billy looked shocked for a moment . " I am not compelling or forcing charlie to be with me my very chemical makeup can not allow me To harm him it would kill me It would be the most unimaginable pain in the world . " i realized my Bite had healed so I took out a Handkerchief  and whipped my arm off . " I hope that To earn your trust by giving my species weaknesses so may better defend yourselves ."

Harry nodded not speaking worry for his friend showed .

"As a procaution for his safety I have been having Charlie ingest Vervain so no one can compell or feed from him . It is very toxic to our kind ." I set my purse on the ground and took out a bag filled with vervain and their seeds . I set it on the cement and opened the bag and slowly dumped out a single flower .

"A flower ?" Questioned billy not really believing that it could do anything to harm me.

I nod before pressing my palm onto the flower and pulled away when I heard the sizzle of my skin I was starting to feel weak . I raised my hand to show them the injury which slowly healed a cold sweat rose on my forhead from being so weakened so much in such short a time .

"You look ill." Harry stated .

I nodded before standing and kicking the bag of vervain into their territory . "I want to dissolve the line for you while the Cullen's are gone . I will stay on my side alone and never cross into yours unless asked ,which I doubt will happen ."

Billy grunted in agreement before speaking . "I sighed trying not to be insulted .

"I think we will have to think this through I will have billy call you at Charlie's house number with our response ." Harry stated.

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