707: *Happy emoji*

707: I know you guys are honestly amazing!


Lin: OH MOM!

MC: Hey sweety. I am at the store and I forgot what I need so I was hoping you would be here and if luck would have it here you are.

707: Holy cow the whole family in one chatroom! (Other than me T^T)

Zen: You are family seven! 

707: REALLY!

707: *heart eyes emoji*

707: *heart eyes emoji*

707: *heart eyes emoji*

707: *heart eyes emoji*


707: *heart eyes emoji*

707: *heart eyes emoji*

707: *heart eyes emoji*

707: Sorry I can't help myself.

Lin: It's okay. I need to go fix the mess that is my hair. Bye.

MC: See you soon

Zen: Be quick the rehearsal starts soon!

707: Bye Lin!


707: I need to leave to work and all of that fun stuff.

707: See you guys later!


MC: Poor Lin I know he likes his hair just like you do.

Zen: Yep. I should go help him

MC: "Oh! before you go what do I need to get from the store."

Zen: "I can send you the list"

MC: "Okay bye babe!"

MC: *Happy emoji*




I stand up and walk over to Lins room and knock on the door.

"Lin do you want some help?" Lin answers his hair still a mess but I can tell he has been trying to put it up. he sighs in defeat 

Lin: "Yes" I pat his head

"Alright" We walk to the bathroom and I put his hair in a bun it does not vary big but it made his hair look better. 

Lin: "now I look like a samurai!" I laugh

"I kinda look like one too if I put my hair up. but the only times I put my hair in a bun is for performance or when your mom really wants me to. I would have a bun in right now for fun because you have one in but the character I am playing has long hair and I won't even be able to have my pony in." He looks at his bun and smiles.

Lin: "Thanks, dad. I should put my hair up more often" I smile at him through the mirror and we go to my moderator bike. "OH CAN I DRIVE!" I look at lin he got his motorbike and car license. I grab my helmet and place it on his head.

"You know the way. Just don't kill us in the process alright?"

Lin: "YES!" He jumps on and snaps on the helmet. he then looks and me and I indicate that he can go. He starts up the motorbike and we are on the road.

---- TIME SKIP ----

We make it to the rehearsal and Lin takes off his helmet.

Lin: "So how did I do?" I grab his helmet and take off mine.

"Hmmmm a sold 8/10" I put away the helmets and get up from the bike Lin follows me.

Lin: "I'll take it!" We get there and everyone says hello both to Lin and myself. My co-workers and director loved it when lin came over to watch a rehearsal I don't know why but they did. I was in the middle of a scene when the director stopped me and told us to take a break Lin was clapping. "Good job dad!" 

"Thanks, Lin" I look over at my director who seems stressed. "I will be right back" I walk over to him and he immediately turns to me.

Director: "Zen can lin act!" I get a bit startled 

"Yes, he can he is in the theatre and music program in his school" My director sighs in relief.

Director: "you know our teenage actor for this performance. Well, he decided to bail out and quit so we need a new actor."

"You think Lin can take his place?"

Director: "He has been to so many of our shows and he likes to perform I don't see why not" I look over at Lin and give him a signal to come to me. He walks over.

Lin: "Uhh hello."

Director: "Lin I want to give you an opportunity"

Lin: "A-an opportunity!?" The director nodded 

Director: "In this musical Zen plays a father of a teenaged boy and as luck would have it the original actor quit and he has a son of his own. So the way I see it I am asking you if you would like to fill his position." I look at Lin his face was gobsmacked. The boy in this performance was the lead character and he has never done a big performance like this before. "I know it is a lot to ask. With you still being in school and all but I think that it can truly help the both of us."

Lin: "I-I don't know what to say. Yes, I would love to fill the position!" I smile I am so happy for him not only because this will be his first musical but he will also be doing this with me.

Director: "Wonderful! I can't wait to work with you Lin! I expect nothing but the best, you are Zen's kid after all" The director hands Lin a script and he flips through the pages. "We are just starting the play so you don't need to worry about memorization just yet but I want everyone off lines by December" He nods 

Lin: "Okay"

Director: "Alright that is time! Second Act!" I walk Lin over to the sidelines 

"You are really taking a leap of faith here Lin"

Lin: "This is amazing I have always wanted to be apart of a musical! Just like you!"

"And I know you will do great. Just remember you need to work hard with you being in grade 12 and choir being stressful as well I just don't want you to get stressed. You always have me okay."

Lin: "Okay" A co-worker of mine walks over to Lin and congratulates him on his spot of the play. He thanks her and both me and Lin walk on stage and practice a scene. After rehearsal, the director was so happy with Lins performance.

Director: "Lin the scene with Zen was amazing!"

Lin: "Oh thank you! I think it helps that he is my father"

Director: "I will see both of you tomorrow alright" The director smiles and walks away

"You where amazing you know" I ruffle his hair and we both head out to my bike

Lin: "are you sure? I mean this is my first musical and I don't know if I am doing everything right." I swing my hand and him

"There is never a right or wrong when it comes to acting. You are just figureing out who you are as an actor and I am so proud of you!" I hug Lin and he hugs me back.

Lin: "Thanks, dad. I know I say that a lot but its true." I let go if Lin and we head home. When we get home MC is so proud of Lin and when we tell the RFA everyone plans on seeing the play. Jaehee especially. I just hope that Lin is not feeling to stressed.

Zen x MC's Pregnant storyWhere stories live. Discover now