30: the heist/ reunion

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Shinichi's POV:

       I can't keep the grin off my face. It's been a few weeks since Kaito, Hattori, Haibara and Mitsuhiko helped bring down the Boss and Gin, and today is finally the day. Not only have I been discharged from hospital this morning, kuroba chikage is walking up my garden path, a nervous expression on her face. Kai is stood next to me in the living room, a hand on my shoulder, his nails digging into my skin through my shirt.

Narrators POV:

    Kuroba chikage was, to be quite honest, nervous. She knew the kudo family, having met Yukiko-chan several time when her late husband had tutored her for a summer, but the letter she'd received had unnerved her a bit. They had some important news for her that couldn't be mentioned over the phone. She knew their son, Shinichi, had made it his personal mission to bring down Kaitou Kid, like his father, but latching Kaito was impossible. Even she, his own mother, had a hard time tracking him. Nothing, absolutely nothing could have prepared her for what she was about to learn.

       The magician, once known as the phantom lady, the woman with 20 faces, thought she was prepared for anything the kudo's could throw her way. Everything from Kaito being arrested to him being killed had crossed her mind. But not this. Not in a thousand lifetimes could she have prepared for this. She was stood, speechless, as she stared at the group of people before her. The two dogs and multitude of doves she'd been expecting. But not e people.

     "Hey, kaa-San." Kaito greeted nervously, well aware that he was wearing the full Kid costume in a house owned by two generations of detective nuts. That wasn't what chikage was speechless about though. Sat next to her son was an almost perfect replica of him, save for the neat hair and dull eyes. Behind them, on the back of the sofa, two cats sat like statues, only their eyes moving. But, even the unnervingly still cats didn't bother her. It was the man stood behind them that left the usually chatty woman mute. She didn't have the words. She was in shock, she was frozen to the floor.

      "A...a....a...." chikage stuttered, trying to get past the first syllable, but failing. Kaito's eyes sparkled with joy and love as the man stood behind them did a neat front flip over them, walking on silent feet over to his mother. He didn't say anything, but pulled her into a strong embrace, the woman suddenly bursting into tears of shock and joy. She mumbled over and over how much she missed him, as her husband picked her up and sat down with her on his lap, a silent thank you hanging in the air.

    When chikage was calm, she turned on her son and his friend. She assumed this was kudo Shinichi, because he was too young to be any other member of the family.

     "How? How did you?" She didn't get far, before the teenage detective cut her off with a shake of the head. Kaito laughed at her.

    "I was shot off the roof of a building whilst chasing your son here" he told her, gesturing to Kaito, "he managed to save me, and we kind of ended up working together. He helped me hide, I helped him escape. My otousan saw me and Kaito one evening, and told me what he did back at that so called accident. I didn't tell Kaito, because toiichi-San wanted to tell you both himself." The detective reveals, leaving out most of the information, making the explanation as short as possible.

    Toiichi smiles as his son suddenly changes into civilian clothes, a cheeky, dangerous look in his eye. He knew that look all too well, and to be honest, he wasn't at all surprised when the study doors burst open and several animal burst out, seemingly of their own accord. One hawk, two parrots, three cats and four dogs. He recognised all of them from vermouth's secret menagerie. Kaito laughed at his mothers face.

    "Don't worry okaa-San, we're not keeping them. The hawk is going to Hakuba-no-yarõ and the three kittens are going to tantei-kun's friends, tsubaraya-kun, yoshida-chan and Kojima-kun. Aoko' always wanted a pet, and shin~chan's managed to convince him to take on the two parrots, and the dogs are going to the local police as service dogs." Kaito assured his mother, as she foresaw how crowded her home would be with so many animals.

Glasses and monocles (A DC MK1412 fanfic)[yaoi, shinkai pairing]Where stories live. Discover now