26: planning with her.

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Narrators POV:
       The elderly woman shuffled up the drive, escorted by a bristling angry wolf-chan and a snarling Arthur kun. Shinichi was waiting at the door for her, letting her in. Kaito was in his KID costume, perched cross legged about two foot in the air above the coffee table somehow. Shinichi had invited the woman over, after a heated argument with both Haibara and Kaito, who were of the opinion that this particular lady was pure evil. Hakuba was sat on the sofa, a cup of tea in one hand and Watson on his shoulder. Doyle and Haibara were in the kitchen with Subaru San making biscuits.

      The elderly lady took a seat opposite Hakuba, glancing at the gaudy magician only briefly before ignoring him. She remover her disguise and shook her hair to make it feel less heavy. Hakuba was silent, shock on his face as the woman changed from a decrepit old woman to a young lady in her late twenties. Chris vineyard. Kid glares at her as she turns to him.

    "You're not toiichi sensei, are you? You're too young. And Any way, snake acted against orders and had him killed." She commented in a backhanded sort of way, earning a dangerous smile from the magician, who was still perched in his seat, two foot in the air. The two dogs rushed into the kitchen as the two children helped get the biscuits out of the oven. Shinichi sits down next to Hakuba, a generous space between them because apparently sitting next to a gay detective, even a taken one, made Hakuba feel uncomfortable. (That's what he said anyway, he actually suspected that Kudo and Kuroba had switched places as a joke.)

     There was a risk of the detective boys barging in on the meeting to see Conan kun, Subaru san and the dogs, but ran had minimised that risk by taking them to tropical land to see a new Kamen yaiba show they had there. Once everyone was seated, Shinichi explained everything. Starting with why vermouth was there. They spent a fair amount of time discussing everything, plotting, planning and scheming, then plotting some more. The two dogs, much to vermouth's and Hakuba's surprise, provided a constant stream of refreshments, the brindle greyhound carrying paper bags with biscuits, fruit and the like to everyone, and the white malamute like one handing out hot and cold drinks, Doyle drinking insane amounts of apple juice.

       By the time it started to get dark, the whole thing was planned out, vermouth leaving, Kaito, still disguised as kid, clearing up the bugs she left behind and destroying them, before Shinichi explained why Doyle kun and ai chan were there too. By this point, Hakuba had already figured out who Doyle was, just by his accent and hostile reaction to him. Haibara introduced herself as the woman who'd caused so much suffering for Doyle and Conan, taking a 12hour antidote to show Hakuba her real appearance, promising to show him some of her research when he expressed interest in her progress on a permanent antidote, and Doyle sulking like the little kid he looked like because he wasn't allowed to take an antidote as he was "far too hotheaded and immature" (Haibara ai's words.).

Hakuba wasn't too pleased with having to work with Hattori, but Haibara, much to Shinichi and Kaito's shock, smiled warmly at him and offered to show him all her research notes if he cooperated. Watson, perched on Hakuba's shoulder the whole time, chose that moment to stretch his wings and attack one of the doves, which had somehow gotten out of the library/study. The bird was yuki chan, the best of Kaito's doves. It's frightened coos turned to panicked shrieks as Watson finally cornered it, talons stretched out to attack.

"Leave. My. Friend. Alone." Wolf chan barked furiously, though no one but Arthur and the hawk understood. It was clear that she was protecting the smaller bird though, when she leapt forward and grabbed Watson in her teeth, seemingly in a viscous manner. By this time, Hakuba and Kaito were yelling at one another, angry that their 'pets' were trying to kill each other. (Wolf chan/Watson is my friend, not a pet!)Haibara glared at them and told them in a terrifyingly calm voice to shut up. Wolf chan dropped the struggling hawk into Hakuba's hands on shinichi's command, the hawk seemingly unharmed. The dove was lying on the floor, seemingly dead, but Arthur nosed the bird gently, and it fluttered up onto Kaito's head, where it ruffled its feathers and preened.

Glasses and monocles (A DC MK1412 fanfic)[yaoi, shinkai pairing]Where stories live. Discover now