17: conan and doyle/ arthur and wolf

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Doyle's POV:
"Hell Kudo, ya gave us a fright! Findin' ya missin' an' then hearin' 'bout ya nearly bein' killed. How'd ya escape dis time?" I yell at Kudo as he walks inta my temporary residence at Agasa hakase's house. He grins at me, wavin' his hand. His tired eyes an' saggin' shoulders tell me he's not well. He's wearin' a turtle neck jumper, somethin' he don usually do.

"Oi, oi, daijoubu Kudo?" I ask, when he don't reply. He shakes his head, lookin' at hakase with tired eyes.

"Hattori, gomenasai, I don't feel like talking. Ran-neechan and ojiisan are out tonight, so I'm staying here for the night." Oi oi, Kudo, what's wrong? He stumbles up da stairs to my room, an' I follow him, ta make sure he's ok. He closes da door an' puts his index finger ta his lips. I nod, my eyes widenin' when he takes his jumper off.

"Don't let haibara or hakase know, onegai hattori!" He whispers, some indescribable feelin' in his eyes. Kudo, I'm ya friend, ya can tell me! I can deduce most of it though... raw bruises all round his neck, scratch marks indicatin' he'd tired ta escape but failed. Da classic signs of a.... a strangulation victim. Only, I'd never seen a live person with dese marks before. Bein' a homicide detective like Kudo though, I was familiar enough with 'em.

"How's the detective boys? I'm going back to school tomorrow, as conan, and I want to know what I've missed, I can't worry them, can I?" I grin, dis is more like it! Dis is da Kudo I know, an' respect, though I'm not tellin' him dat! I'm still curious about dose marks dough.

"Oh, hattori, I'm meeting Tagaki keiji soon, I'm going to tell him the truth, I think I can trust him." I open my mouth ta argue, but feel a unfortunately familiar pain in da back of my neck. Tranquilliser dart. Sigh, haibara San. I fall, wakin' up da next day ta Kudo tellin' me we're gonna be late fer school. Oh, joy. I could understan' Kudo bein' friends with da detective boys, but dey annoyed me at times.

Wolf's POV:
I watch as master Kaito takes Shinichi San away safely, Arthur kun standing beside me, supporting my great bulk with his slender greyhound body. I'm feeling faint, but I have to get out of here fast, find master Kaito or little shiho San and get help. I stagger a few steps, only to fall down. Arthur kun won't leave my side, he's not the terror of a puppy he was, but a mature, clever dog now. He stayed by me, helping me along each time I got up and staggered forward only to collapse after a few paw steps. We continued this way all night, getting close to the vet that treated me before by sunrise. Arthur kun was worried, he knew he'd been a puppy twice, and didn't want people knowing, but I didn't believe I'd make it much further, so I insisted Arthur kun help me into this vets, where I'd be taken care of. I felt a bullet graze my hind leg as I walked.

Arthur kun pushed the latch of the door, opening it wide, just after opening for this place. I managed to stagger in, no owner, just my microchip and blue 'n' white collar as ID. Arthur kun stayed by me, panting nervously as the nice nurse from before came up to me.

"Oh, oh my! Doctor! It's that dog again! No owner, just the dog, it's wolf chan! She's got a friend too. Oh, you poor thing!" She gushed at me, as I wagged my tail weakly. I sat down, offering my left paw politely, I don't remember her shaking my paw, though Arthur kun tells me she did, because I'm down, my tired, shot and stabbed body feeling like it's giving up. I don't remember the surgery, or the recovery much, everything I know Arthur kun told me, he didn't leave my side.

The vet remembered me from before, shutting me in the small office again rather than the recovery cages, Arthur kun refusing to leave me until I was stable. The vet couldn't get hold of my owner, or the hakase that's brought me before, but he treated me anyway, I still don't know why. Apparently, Arthur kun left me after a few days, whilst I was still unconscious, to find master kaito.

Glasses and monocles (A DC MK1412 fanfic)[yaoi, shinkai pairing]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora