11: confession/ challenge!

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A/N: ok, I sent out a warning last chapter, but you humans are apparently fitted with short attention spans, though as I wolf I can't be sure, you humans seem pretty smart to me, but I will repeat it for those who may have already forgotten.

~regards, Moonclaw 🐺🐺🐺

Kaito's POV:
My kid costume vanishes in a silent puff of smoke, and I'm stood by shin~chan as Kuroba kaito once more.

"Missed me, Kaito?" He asks, pulling me close and kissing me. I kiss back, happy to feel his warm lips against mine again. "Kaito" he whispers softly, "I love you." He's hugging me now, the kiss getting deeper and more passionate. He pushes me up against the wall in the library of his house (that's where we were) and explores my mouth with his tongue. I copy him, not really sure what I'm doing. I hated to admit it, but shin~chan was my first kiss, but a few days ago, and I'm unsure. (A/N: hah! Finally Kaito, you admit to being unsure of something that isn't fish!)

I'm glad, thrilled that shin~chan confessed to me. I want to go further, but I'm managing to hold myself together, not wanting to frighten him, or move too fast. I mustnt scare him away. I break our kiss, to reply to him. "I love you too, shin~chan" I whisper, moving almost by instinct, kissing the smooth skin on his neck, as he moans so quietly I can barely hear him. I don't realise, but suddenly, I'm biting down, and shin~chan shudders with pleasure. I'm about to ask shin chan something, but the words are lost as someone hammers on the front door. Shit. Now I've forgotten what I was going to say.

"Oi, let me in! I know your there shinichi kun!" Oh no, it's Sonoko chan. Shin~chan sighs dramatically, tearing himself away from me, allowing me to move away from where he's pinned me to the wall. He rolls his eyes and walks to the front door, opening the door to let the irritating girl in. I leap up, using my cat like reflexes to land lightly on the top of the tallest bookshelf. I'm glad I'm wearing my dark t-shirt and pants, I didn't want Sonoko-chan to see me as a normal teen.

"Sonoko, oh, and ran too. What's the matter?" I can hear sonoko practically dancing about.

"Uncle jiroki has issued a challenge to KID-sama!" I groan inwardly, what has the crazy old man thought up this time? I listen as shin~chan makes some tea for the girls, and I smell coffee too. He's drinking that god awful bitter stuff again. Sonoko and ran are explaining the heist, and I'm about to make a classic KID entrance when I hear something that makes me freeze.

"Uncle is putting the ocean's heart in an oyster shell and displaying it in an aquarium filled with tropical fish!" I hear shin~chan spit his coffee everywhere, and choke on his half swallowed drink. Shin~chan knows my problem with finny things. Ran asks her friend if he's ok. I can hear him, explaining in a calm manner that he'd tried to breathe his coffee instead of drink it.

Shinichi's (Conan) POV:
"Oi, let me in, I know your there shinichi kun!" Sonoko, damn you, impeccable timing, as usual. I break our kiss, allowing Kaito to move away from the wall. He was such a good kisser...... I wander towards the door, reluctant to break away from Kaito and our kiss. I see him leap up to the top of one of my bookshelves, hiding in the shadows. I agree with him, hiding from Sonoko was good idea. Not that I had the luxury of hiding. I answer the door, greeting her and ran, who's stood beside her.

"Sonoko, oh and ran too. What did you want?" I say, letting them in. Sonoko doesn't seem to have mentioned anything about me and Kaitou KID's deal, and I'm thankful for that. (Kaito had explained about it. He'd felt isolated, he couldn't tell nakamori keibu, he'd get arrested, and because I'd changed suddenly, he needed someone who wouldn't ask questions. So he turned to the biggest KID fan he knew of.) ran was looking at me, giving me a look that clearly stated she knew what I had been up to. She whispers to me, so Sonoko can't hear.

Glasses and monocles (A DC MK1412 fanfic)[yaoi, shinkai pairing]Where stories live. Discover now