22: Weekend, part four: saturday night

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A/N: caution, some mature content may be included in this chapter.
Just thought I'd warn you humans!🐺🐺

Hattori's POV:
      I'm worried about Kudo, not dat I'd admit dat ta him. From what I could gather from KID, he was sick, an' he needed dat sherry girl ta help him. Haibara SAN has given me a short time as my normal self, but she keeps glancin' at her watch, checkin' da time. I've pulled over at a rest stop, ta answer Doyle's phone. I half wished I could call Kazuha, but my phone was with kid, (he stole it somehow) an' I wasn't too happy about kid being with Kudo either.

     "Doyle kun, onegai. Tell Haibara San to hurry, he's starting to..." its kid on da phone,well, it's either dat or Kudo usin' a voice changer again, how else would I be hearin' my own voice talkin' to me? I hear a faint thud, as somethin' falls.

     "Oi, shin~chan? Shin~chan? Oi, hattori kun, haiyaku! Shin~chan, shin~cha......." I hear a sound as the phone is taken by someone else.

    "Hattori heiji, I presume?" Dis voice, I don't think I've ever heard it before. "I'm Kudo Yuusaku, shinichi's Otousan. Shinichi just passed out, again. You better bring sherry, tell her he's conan again." kudo's parents knew he was conan?.... wait, how could I have forgotten dat? I hang up, an' get back on da bike. I offer Haibara San my hand, but she glares at me an' climbs on da back of da bike on her own. I start da bike again, an' we head off ta da Kudo mansion. I hope Kudo's alright.

Wolf's POV:
     Shinichi San is conan again, and he's passed out on master Kaito's lap. The older human, Shinichi San's Otousan I think, is talking to his wife through the library door. For some bizarre reason he wouldn't open the door despite her angry screeching. I couldn't understand the crazy woman, her screeching distorted her words and hurt my sensitive ears. Does every woman Shinichi SAN knows have a serious personality flaw? I mean, I'm a dog, but I'm pretty sure karate black belts, spoilt rich kaitou kid fanatics and over-dramatic crazy mothers were not normal company to keep. But then what do I know?mim just a dog.

Master Kaito is holding Conan kun in his arms, a small, fake smile on his face. It was nothing like his real smile, and I could see behind his well crafted poker face to see his true expression. My poor human was afraid. For the boy in his arms. It felt weird, Arthur kun didn't understand my discomfort, because unlike me, he didn't have human like intelligence, though he was bright for a puppy. Master Kaito was 17 years old, and Shinichi San, in his current condition, looked only 7. That seemed so wrong to me, even knowing his real age. Conan kun stirs in master Kaito's arms, blinking as he struggles to sit up. Master Kaito helps him, but I'm distracted by Arthur kun who is currently making short work of the remains of the sign of four he'd left under the chair before.

A loud knock sounded, followed shortly by the dark skinned detective's voice and the sarcastic tone of shiho San. I walk to the door, happy on my three legs, and greet them both. I'm a bit taken aback at the Osakan, as he's a teenager again, but I'm more worried about what's going to happen to conan kun, if something happened, master Kaito might just..... no, best not think about it. Maybe I could chase my tail to calm down. Or I could play fight with Arthur kun, that might help...

Narrators POV:
          Conan is unconscious on the magicians lap when hattori and haibara enter the room. It's eight thirty pm. The infamous magician is cradling the much younger boy gently in his arms, a well hidden frown on his face. The western detective, a teen once more, begins a conversation with Kudo Yuusaku, they've never really spoken before, and it was kind of a relief for the western detective to talk about being stuck most the time as a child. Haibara ignores the angry screeches coming from the library, assuming it's only Kudo kuns mother, and calmly walks over to the child detective and wanted thief, demanding a short explanation. Once armed with the information she needs, she quickly rushes next door, returning with a small bottle that rattled suspiciously.

Glasses and monocles (A DC MK1412 fanfic)[yaoi, shinkai pairing]Where stories live. Discover now