25: remembering That Night.

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"Shin~chan?" Kaito's voice is soft, laced with worry. I don't reply, because another jolt of pain tears through me.

Shinichi's POV:
We both lay on the bed, me clutching my chest in agony and kai clearly bewildered and scared. I'm hurt, Kai knows it, goodness knows what my kindhearted boyfriend is thinking. I gasp quietly as my body reverts back to Conan, Kai looking at me as I do, clearly upset.

     "Shin~chan?" He asks me with concern. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." I can't answer, I feel ill, but I pull Kai closer, ignoring the fact that I now appear to be seven, kissing him with gentle passion on the lips. I see the worry in his gentle expression, his love and concern for me clear on his face. A wave of nausea washes over me, and the last thing I see is Kai's soft eyes clouding with concern.

I dream. Or rather, I remember. I've tried so hard to suppress these memories, the vivid emotions racing uncontrolled through me.

Narrators POV:

The teenage detective of the east is flanked by two FBI agents, a CIA agent, and a Japanese NPA officer. The four other people are all older than him, the youngest being eleven years his senior. The CIA and the Japanese NPA officer had almost questioned the sanity of the FBI. Almost. They saw the incredible skill of the boy, hardly an adult, as he planned and plotted, outthinking and outmanoeuvring some of the most intelligent agents they had. The authorities had stormed the old building, making dozens of arrests with minimum casualties at first. Several higher ranking syndicate members barricaded themselves away, but the teen, predicting this would happen, had placed himself and his four most trusted allies in there with them, hidden from anyone's view....

   A bullet flies past the detectives face, grazing it. He doesn't flinch, not a single twitch. A frightening grin appears on his face, each word carefully spoken to produce maximum effect.

    "You can't kill someone who's already dead. You murdered me, Kudo Shinichi, a year ago. I've been waiting, waiting until you too could feel my pain. My loneliness." His voice is cold, hard like ice. His face is now void of emotion, startling the four adults he was with.........

Flashback ends.

Narrators POV:
Ran sat opposite her friend Sonoko at the small cafe, Sonoko eating absurd amounts of cakes in a small amount of time, whereas Ran half heartedly poked at her strawberry parfait. Sonoko, though certainly not the brightest of buttons, noticed her friend's behaviour and asked her a barrage of questions. Ran didn't reply right away, taking a nervous breath before pouring all her secret thoughts into one long monologue.

"Sonoko, I think I know where shinichi and heiji-kun are hiding, and I'm worried about them because I think the recent string of murders are because the killer is targeting Shinichi and heiji-kun is helping Shinichi to hide. Conan-kun went missing when Shinichi took down that syndicate and I think he helped Shinichi, because when he came back home then he was in shock and scared and tired for days and.. and...." Sonoko, who only managed to catch every fourth word or so, told Ran to calm down and talk in a more reasonable, slow voice. Ran took a deep breath and started from the beginning again.

"I think conan-kun was involved with that huge syndicate and it's takedown........ Shinichi called me one night to say Conan was with him and the Edogawa family, but that was the night Shinichi took the organisation down by helping Interpol and everyone. When Conan got home, he was in shock and quite withdrawn. I think he followed Shinichi and got caught up in something. Sonoko, I think Conan is hiding a frighteningly big secret, I think.... I'm sorry, I have to answer this." Ran pauses, picking up her phone and answering. In a way, she's thankful that the call interrupted her before she could say it. The familiar voice of Shinichi greets her, but before she can say anything, the boy on the other side of the call, speaks.

Glasses and monocles (A DC MK1412 fanfic)[yaoi, shinkai pairing]Where stories live. Discover now